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Tutorial Makes CCTV with Webcam

in will chance this me will try to share how make camera cctv by using webcam. angered bagimana its way? ? cekidot, ,

oiya, here i am friend sure blogger udah understand all kan what that cctv? ? certain it, hehe. okay, so me not take care to explain farther, langung keinti aja yeah. why here i use webcam not cctv original? ?

1. cctv that still expensive sob, if webcam solemn.
2. doesn't want attachment again, difference with cctv.
3. and, not too difficult to tried for beginner circle likes me this.

above that can be said surplus from webcam, while for deficit webcam like:

1. distance not too long, because use cable usb. may be max 10 m.
2. please look for tau self yeah, hehehe.

before we try tutorial makes cctv with webcam, it is better friend blogger prepare perlatan beforehand.

1. cable usb (max 10 meter)s. choose have a certain quality, don't cable not clear. friend blogger can langusung ask to computer store that you have believed.
2. webcam (up to want what). here i use webcam brand mediatech 5 megapixel.
3. software webcamxp or webcam 7..
4. and last, secangkir coffee nescafe and sebungkus cigarette. (if this make adult yeah, underage child is forbidden hard) hehee.

bagimana? ? ready all? ? lanjuuut, , ,

1. look for and place webcam on course that want at pantau.
2. correlate webcam with computer, later automatic webcam will install driver, so that our computer will identified webcam.
3. install application webcamxp/webcam 7 that i share previous.
4. run webcam 7 he, but previous don't forget at activation formerly yeah.
5. click right white box the number, click pci/usb (wdm driver), then choose source webcam friend blogger. here webcam i am usb 2.0 camera.
6. usb webcamkemudian click to return box a while ago friend blogger click right to see the result.
cctv 1

how? ? for increase webcam, manner that used same.

setting webcam cctv so that can at access from computer other:
if friend blogger has hotspot at home, we can make use hotspot to observe cctv during we linked to hotspot/network.

1. at menu left side, click web/broadcast.
2. click activate.
3. now we can see webcam cctv from computer media, notebook and or hp (smartphone), with media note whom we have used linked with network.

to prove him, friend blogger can type at adress your browser pothouse,
http: /ipadress: 8080 ipadress at change with ip adress your computer
http: /namakomputeranda: 8080 namakomputer at change with namakomputer your computer

or to be more the easy, please click link right side most under at webcam 7/webcamxp. (http online@bla. . blaa. . bla)
display at access from computer:

display cctv when at access from hp, here i use nokia 5800.

want design web display cctv he is self? ? easy kok, first click menu tools > generate html code. copy deh code html at yield, then make the web display at will. hehehee

okay, until here formerly yeah sob, later at go on to if there chance, , hehe
congratulation try,

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