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Tips and trik font unique handphone more interesting

who seeh not demen ngeliat the handphone come up to interesting! even less kalo also interesting depth its contents? inner beauty gitu looh! atao kalo term feminim" may be" can adopted proverb" come up pretty outside also in" . handphone interestings to make us more feel comfortable and more pd. well. . one of them make font handphone as according to our wish. its way, use software easy gdr creator product smart-mobile. application makes symbian series 60 this make possible us to change font in destop handphone, character sms up to in task handphone pothouse. although this software uses language tutor thai, but its use enough easy because equiped tool simple. explanation next will explain a little about editing process font handphone symbian.

1. in menu display, we can replaced font you like so that be seen to come up difference with your friend handphone. for example for icon display in handphone menu, be changed with font comic. so click browse in tab right on. in display under this, we be be admitted to change display font so that can size can be accustommed. note: size font standart use size 8.

2. click in ttf font and will appear file fonts that you will choose, for example comic.

3. for menu message we also can replaced it. note: when do we do send message to handphone other not menstall with font gdr, so the font display is font standard.

4. then click to like be picture and be seen the work process, we also can see in priview fonts what fonts we choose matching with the one which we have desired.

5. editing font also can be done in display tool pothouse in option.

6. latest editing in icon name at your handphone folder. note: if font you too big, so the font will be cut so that not can kebaca fully. another deficit, if use font king sized or common known with format kapital, so handphone sail will be seen full. on the contrary, if wear font atypical, may simply that the font not shall can be read. the result, save the result in folder that you have determined. second step: application install chance a word sis then result easy gdr a while ago copy to c: /system / font then restart your handphone. note: comic. gdr font bew. don't forget to install application font remover to your handphone, because if this application not menstall so font in handphone change.

congratulation berkreasi. . ! !

successful greetings from we are team xpost

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