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Opening a locked bios

Action to reset the BIOS settings / CMOS terpassword who usually interchangeable

done with him by pass / change the jumpers on the motherboard, but the following tips

only through a simple assembler instructions, using a small program

who named DEBUG.EXE,. o yes these instructions for Windows-based PCs.

The steps as follows:

* From the DOS prompt (c: \), type debugging, which should exist as part sdh

from windows

* On-screen prompt will appear typical debugging programs, a "-" without

quotation marks.

* From the prompt - type A, followed by ENTER .... On the screen:-D

* Type mov cx, 0 (zero, not letter O) ... on the screen:-mov cx, 0

* You will see a series of hexadecimal digits, for example 0B05: 0103, note

numbers that appear in the last 3 digits, here for example 103, will

used the last step pd

* Type mov ax, cx followed by ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-mov ax, cx

Type out 70, al followed by ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-out 70, al

* Type mov ax, 0 followed by ENTER ... ... .. on the screen:-mov ax, 0

Type out 71, al followed by ENTER on the screen ... ... ... ut 71, al

* Type inc cx followed by ENTER ... ... .... On the screen:-inc cx

* Type in cmp cx, 256 followed by ENTER ... ... on the screen:-cmp cx, 256

Type JB 103 (the numbers that appear in the first step), followed by ENTER two

times, on the screen: jb-103

Type g (as the command GO)

* Restart / CTRL-ALT-DEL computer.

Detailed instructions as follows:


C: \> debug


0B05: 0100 MOV CX, 0

0B05: 0103 MOV AX, CX

0B05: 0105 OUT 70, AL

0B05: 0107 MOV AX, 0

0B05: 010A OUT 71, AL

0B05: 010C INC CX

0B05: 010D CMP CX, 256

0B05: 0111 JB 103

0B05: 0113


good luck good luck.

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