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Quick Open Applications

Description of problem:
Netbooks are small to make the PC a bit complicated if you want to run applications that are stored in a somewhat hidden. A more practical way is to register the file / application to the registry, so that Windows will immediately recognize the name of the program on the call and immediately executes it.

Here are the steps:
1. Run Registry Editor by typing "regedit".
2. Go to the subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ App Paths
3. Create a new subkey with the name you want, for example aplikasiku.exe
4. Double-click the data string is named (Default) and enter its value to the location of the file or application, for example D: \ master \ files \ app.exe.

For the results, typing "my application on the Run menu or the Command Prompt, and observe what happens.

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