blog this is me make to share my invention about internet exploration at every evening


Manner protects Flaskdisk with USB Write Protect v1.10

today i share tool little but has benefit big enough. do you ever experience case write protected in USB especially flashdisk? ? if ever, don't pass this article.

write protect be where are we not keep data from computer to flashdisk or another storage media. besides can not data transfer from pc to usb, file at save at usb even also becoming not can at delete/cut. because flashdisk we are write protect, automatic virus infection from computer even also can be minimized. bener not sob? ? hehehe

this application nameds USB Write Protect v1.10 has portable. friend blogger only necessary copy and paste USB Write Protect v1.10 to flashdisk that want friend blogger key.

support os:
windows, win98,2000, xp, vista, also windows 7

update (16112010):
to enable tool USB Write Protect v1.10 this, click right usb write protect v1.10 then run administrator axis. a while ago i also try this software when at used at computer (not flashdisk), our computer the result so can not send file to flashdisk (computer data so safe, not there origin copy-paste, , hehe)
after use this software, don't forget at restart to feel the effect.

Download software
READ MORE - Manner protects Flaskdisk with USB Write Protect v1.10

Improve Task Manager disable with Task Manager Fix v. 2

task manager fix v. 2 one of the software that measure little that functioned to meng-" enable" kan task manager locked [menyabled. very often i experience task manager locked by also admin computer (knows. . play at warnet. . ), and one of [the] the solution with task manager fix also software anti-virus local indonesia, smadav.

this software use manner also easy, that is:
1. extract taskmanagerfix2 that can at download be;
2. then run taskmanagerfix. exe;
3. afterwards, click fix task manager;
4. now, try to open task the manager. .

if still can not, i suggest to use smadav good yg newest also yg long. use fitur smad-force to open taskmanager locked. good useful. .

successful greetings xpost
Size :23.98kb
Download software
READ MORE - Improve Task Manager disable with Task Manager Fix v. 2

Tutorial repair harddisk bad sector

harddisk depositor media of vital importance in computer. unfortunately age
limited use. damage in harddisk can be caused several things. for example:
· power supply not memadai and botch kontroller harddisk and motor.
· harddisk fallen down and botch mechanical mendalamnya or minimal happen bad sector.
· excessively brought to bring without password makes platter harddisk broken because
superlative shake.
· temperature insides harddisk hot make condition harddisk in environment not
· mtbf/age condition harddisk, reached and will broken.
matter that admit of done to repair harddisk that hitted bad sector
only where harddisk still rolling, conditon controller harddisk still to work.
but this conditon stills divided again, when want menguna harddisk that hitted bad sector.
cause problem bad sector one of [the] damage often happen. condition
damage by bad sector discriminated by 3 conditons.
· where platter harddisk worn-out. in this condition harddisk really not
can be used. longer harddisk more broken and out of use to
worn as media storage.
· condition platter worn-out but not yet achieve critical condition. this condition can be said
enough stable to harddisk. possibility harddisk admit of repaired because platter
still may be melow level.
· condition platter worn-out, good mortally condition or light but damage found
at cluster 0 (where is information partisi harddisk keep)ed. this condition not
make possible harddisk repaired.
talk about conditon harddisk to repaired only make possible repair in condition
to 2, where is surface harddisk still stable but found light damage at several
· efforts to menguna harddisk found bad sector
· men-eliminasi damage location in bad sector.
stage 1
before do stage furthermore best menguna stage 1 to ascertain
condition platter harddisk that broken. to detect this matter harddisk must be done low
level format (llf). llf can be done from bios or software. to bios, several pc
long like generation 486 or pentium (586) has option llf. or can menguna
software llf. to get software llf can be taken at site maker harddisk. or
look for utiliti file likes hddutil. exe (from maxtor - maxllf. exe) and wipe. exe version 1.0c
function from software llf wipe off entire good informations partisi, data insides harddisk
with information bad sector. this software also good for repair maker error
partisi in fat 32 from windows fdisk.
after run program llf, so harddisk genuinely clean will like condition
first time used.
warning: use llf software will wipe off entire datas insides harddisk
stage 2
process furthermore with method try and error. stage for this session:
a. make partisi harddisk: with program fdisk with 1 partisi, good primary or
extended partisi. to primary can be done with single harddisk, but when wish for
harddisk as extended, need a harddisk as process boot and has
primary partisi (partisi to melak u booting).
b. format harddisk: with format c: /c. command increasing /c to run
when happen bad sector investigation choice. during format process investigates in percentage
what does damage harddisk. this matter is seen in picture under this.
when does format program display trying to recover allocation unit xxxxxx, mean program
is investigating where harddisk happening bad sector condition. assumption in testing
under this with harddisk seagate 1.2 gb with 2 little damage locations and
percentage number estimate is demoed by format program:
menyplay in
format program
can be used
good 0-20% 20%
bad sector 21% throwed away
good 22-89% 67%
bad sector 91% throwed away
good 91-100% 9%
c. make partisi return: with fdisk, throw away entire partisi insides harddisk previous, and
make to return partisi appropriate damage note that. assumption in picture under
maker partisi with primary and extended partisi. in primary partisi is not seen and
only demoed partisi extended. distribution in picture under this in drive d and
f (22mb and 12 mb) throwed away because found bad sector. while in e and g (758mb
and 81mb) as drive that still in a condition good and can be used.
when do you enough persist to repair bad sector you, can also be done with tryerror
with repeating location livelihood bad sector in harddisk according to stage more
little, for example makes many partisi to decry possibility buangnya space
in partisi that be throwed away. more persist to look for damage in whose place
happen bad sector more gooder, only this manner will need longer time although
the result really well enough with decry where is damage harddisk
d. to ascertain to what bad sector lay in partisi harddisk that be throwed away,
do format in entire letter drive by order of format /c. when bad sector really
found in partisi that throwed away (assumption in testing bad sector lay in letter drive
d and f), so partisi can direct be throwed away. but when happen error, for example
damage bad sector not insides partisi that be throwed away but found in partisi
be used, you must repeating to return process from beginning with throw away
partisi where found error in divide partisi that hitted bad sector. matter
important to remember: maker partisi done from beginning to end, for example c, d, e and furthermore.
to throw away partisi menguna manner on the contrary that is from z to c. error in
throw away and will make partisi random aca will confuse system partisi harddisk.
e. process furthermore throw away partisi is not used again. having taken ste
investigation with format program, so in process furthermore throw away
partisi that contain bad sector. in picture under this: stage throws away 2
partisi with fdisk to letter drive d and e. to e and g partisi letter drive
be used.
f. by the end of your stage can investigate to return partisi harddisk with option 4 (menyplay
partitisi) in program fdisk, example in picture under this remained 3 drive: c
as primary partisi (is not see)ed, 2 extended partisi that still good and partisi
contain bad sector wiped off.
g. end process. you have harddisk with condition that repaired because bad sector.
letter drive divided on c as primary partisi and used as boot, d (758mb) and e
(81mb) partisi to 2 and to 3 in extended partisi.
when do you not yet satisfied with result look for bad sector, so you can repeating prosesur
on. to do tips this best detect procedure in mem make partisi
with program fdisk.
necessary registerred in tip this, careful in program use llf. best
menguna single drive to menguna this program. error does low level
format in harddisk very fatal and can not mengembalikin like condition at first.
to harddisk that hitted bad sector best menguna harddisk the condition
not yet too mortally or bad sector found at several places and not sporadic widespread.
damage in many places (sporadic bad sector) in harddisk menyulit livelihood
where happen bad sector place.
this article done by lab Xpost, and error in do tips this is outdoor
responsibility Xpost. .
READ MORE - Tutorial repair harddisk bad sector

Tutorial ebook learn Javascript

for friend often surfing at internet certain perna hear the name javascript. even less friend blogger, certain care of know ama one this. actually what that javascript yes? how begin to use javascript? does the benefit?

well. . at ebook javascript guide product desrizal, many matters about javascript that discussed. next table of contents ebook free have a title" javascript guide"

table of contents

1. identification javascript
a. does that javascript
b. begin javascript
c. sintaks javascript
d. variable
e. operator
f. statement
g. function

2. handling event
a. is that handling event
b. handling examples event

3. object string
a. formatting text with javascript
b. object handling string
c. parse string to integer and float

4. object window
a. open window at javascript
b. mereload, close, meloading new yard, print
c. communication delivers window
d. alert, confirm and prompt

5. array
a. identification array
b. method for manipulation array

6. date and time
a. date method and time
b. javascript timer
c. make digital watch

7. dynamic html
a. accessing and object manipulation html
b. manipulate style or css object html

8. handling form
a. handling checkbox at javascript
b. handling input radio at javascript
c. handling select box at javacsript

Download ebook Tutorial
READ MORE - Tutorial ebook learn Javascript

Ebook Free Web Programming With PHP

ebook web programming with php this is very fit read by beginner friend that want to deepen web programming world or be webmaster handal. language that used by author ebook this enough easy memengerti.
let friend can tau everything that is discussed mengebook this, i write table of contents ebook this here.

table of contents

I. server web identification and eunuch server scripting
1. server web
2. eunuch server scripting
3. test installation xampp at browser

II. structure base php
1. before learn php
2. let to know php
3. say hi to php
4. variable
5. data type
6. constant
7. operator in php
8. program comment

III. condition structure and alliteration
1. condition structure
2. alliteration structure
3. structure break and continue

IV. handling form
1. handling various means form
2. form input type text and password
3. form input type radio
4. form input type check box
5. form input type combo box
6. form input type textarea

V. array and function
1. messenger array
2. functions array in php
3. function in php

VI. handling string and date
1. messenger string
2. functions string in php
3. date operation functions in php

VII. file and directory
1. file handling
2. make and wipe off directory
3. file manipulation
4. upload file

VIII. session and cookies
1. session
2. cookies

IX. programming berorientasi object in php
1. programming messenger berorientasi object
2. object and class
3. properties and method
4. define class
5. make use class available

X. identification dbms and mysql
1. about database, dbms and rdbms
2. about mysql
3. installation mysql at windows
4. connection to server mysql with mysql client
5. various mysql client for server administration mysql

XI. identification structured query language
1. does that sql?
2. make, change and wipe off table
3. increase record with insert
4. edit record with update
5. wipe off record with delete

XII. message application with php and mysql
1. design database structure
2. make database connection file
3. make yard input message
4. display newest message at front page
5. make message archives yard
6. make yard edits message
7. make yard delete message
8. css as display sweetener

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READ MORE - Ebook Free Web Programming With PHP

Solar System 3D simulator

solar system, a place incredible vast where earth presents mendalamnya. without solar system, we sure will not present earthing in this time. if you want to see to how rolling earth in the axis follows the orbit, diesel fuel system 3d simulator 3.0 software that suited for you. diesel fuel system 3d simulator 3.0 make possible you see to how earth, and correct rolling another planet in front of you. not that, diesel fuel system 3d simulator 3.0 also make possible you see information hits planet2 that reside in our solar system. download diesel fuel system 3d simulator 3.0 free by now!

detail software:

Name : Solar System 3D Simulator 3.0
License : Freeware , Gratisan
OS : Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Publisher: Science Fair Projects
Size : 4.6Mb
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READ MORE - Solar System 3D simulator

Tips handle troubleshoot and error" chassis intruded, fatal error system halted" in Komputer

message troubleshoot error" chassis intruded, fatal error system halted" at the (time) of we light computer, usually to enter bios even also ngga can. this matter can happen in os bew windows at install repeat also yg dah used long, even less kalo os pirated plus not at update with afraid reason found out pirated" while there wpa kill" hehehe…
cause can matters like pc old ones burn, virus and of a kind it, game/game at brain atik trus, or installing error hardware or overclocking.
to overcome it" from experience" pull cable" electricity data" yg menempel in motherboard (this not obligatory kok) used to reset jumper mb (usually there 3 pin, and jumper menempel at pin 2&3 so pull and insert at pin 1&2 then reinstate to asala" 2&3" ), step next" usually enough herewith can" pull batere cmos and reset if necessary change same bew.
afterwards try to flame computer and there at hadapa choice will press f1 to to bios or f2 for default setting bios" direct choice steps into windows" . and kalo want to arrange again bios he is yes press f1" usually i do" . finished

good help
READ MORE - Tips handle troubleshoot and error" chassis intruded, fatal error system halted" in Komputer

Tutorial tips Make Windows Xp be Router

if you have 2 network segments, you can use win2000 pros / winxp pros as router for second segment.
1. minimal has 2 network cards (lan-card / nic).
2. configuration ip address in each network card.
3. configuration ip as default gateway.
- segment a -
- segment b -
(/24 the purpose - see information cidr)
- nic a - < be default gateway for segment a
- nic b - < be default gateway for segment b
furthermore configuration ip routing for second segment.
remember? ! ! !
fitur this can not mengonfigurasi pass interfaces gui either in win2000 also winxp?
so? you necessary edit registry.
its way:
1. run > regedit.
2. slide down to: hkey_local_machinesystemcurrentcontrolsetservicestcpipparameters
3. change value" ipenablerouter" be 13. enclosing regedit.
4. restart pc.
and binggo perkerjaan we now neat.
READ MORE - Tutorial tips Make Windows Xp be Router

Software Revo Uninstaller v.1.6

revo uninstaller be innovative uninstall freeware quicker than windows application add/remove. with technology and fast algorithm to does scan before and after a your application can do remove file, folder and registry is not wanted again in your computer. even if you have botched revo uninstaller do scan application data in hard menyk your computer, windows registry and display all files, folder and registry that found so that you can wipe off it.

uniquely “hunter mode” this software offereds you several eases, easy used but effective and powerful regulate (install, whoa, delete, menyable from auto starting) and get information about install and or run application. a lot of addition ware belongs in revo uninstaller.

file size: 1.52 mb
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READ MORE - Software Revo Uninstaller v.1.6

Tips Manner Chooses Flash Disk

Quwality hard disk clear follow price sell it, from our price label can, classify quality flash disk we enthuse, but you are permanent must accurate choose flash disk best although from price side expensive.

follow category flash disk based on the price:

1. price < $5 (less)
in this category, usually flash disk sold with capacity 2 GB. kineja flash disk with this capacity is inclined standart with speed under 20 mb/s. if you want to buy in this price distance, try to choose flash disk that prepare software bonuses.

2. price $5 - $10
this price distance is dominated flash disk berkapasitas 4 GB. performance flash disk this also cendrung standart, but there are some that has performance reads on 20 mb/s

3. price $10 - $20
flash disk this dominated capacity 8 GB or 4 GB with tall performance, several flash disk with unique figure design and waterproof. also majority is on this price distance

4. price $20 - $30
this price distance is dominated capacity 16 GB. but also can flash disk berkapasitas 8 GB. but tall the performance. several producers even sell flash disk capacities 4 GB in this price distance with offereds several functions likes to hold back impact and waterproof.

5. price >$30 (on)
in this price is your will get flash disk berkapasitas 16 GB to on that use newest interfaces usb 3.0

good useful

READ MORE - Tips Manner Chooses Flash Disk

Manner Looks for Driver with Google

ok direct to main criticism about manner downloads driver computer, laptop, printer via web support official. manner downloads driver computer, laptop, this printer direct looks for and download at website the official each vendor from ware whom we look for driver. may be for you often play internet, this manner old stuff for you, but for that still common internet, may manner downloads driver computer, laptop, printer via web support official this can help.

very often we when download driver from website official, we are even muter and not meet with link driver at download.

manner downloads driver computer, laptop, printer via web support official:

1. open firefox (wear firefox aja because fast), and kalo necessary internet install downloads manager (idm) to speed up process download driver you.

2. step into google

3. for example, you will look for and download driver mainboard from brand asus, type at livelihood column google with keyword asus support, so direct will come up livelihood result with number line 1 and 2 link downloads direct from asus. you can direct click one of [the] link, but usually direct link aims to target downloads driver line number 2. then you choose appropriate with driver that want you download.
4. for example again, you will look for and download driver from brand hp, type at livelihood column google with keyword hp support, so direct will come up livelihood result with number line 1 and 2 link downloads direct from hp. you can direct click one of [the] link, but usually direct link aims to target downloads driver line number 2. then you choose appropriate with driver that want you download.
5. so the conclusion, add word support at every livelihood. for example again, want to look for and download driver canon, type canon support, it to be like Canon

ok, such manner downloads driver computer, laptop, printer via web support the official.

good useful!
READ MORE - Manner Looks for Driver with Google

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ebook make hypnosite free a ebook pilot makes a site that has power hypnotis. with hypnotic power existence, so of course what sold at site easier is sold. customers that visit energetic site hypno obsession and subconsciously they will buy product from site.

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Sumber Artikel
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Ebook Tutorial Software XNA Game Studio 4

in chance this, i share ebook really i am studying also, that is xna game studio 4. ebook this me can from REMO XP

xna game studio 4 be a tool addition in studio visual microsoft to simplify and shorten developer game. tool this is recomended banget make friend blogger that want to learn to make game.

video game. a lot of person at this world madly in love with thing one this. along with
more the sophisticateder computer technology, more menggila also technology game. our tender age fantasy is about
game, now be goods general around we. quantity game also untold again
the total, so that more and more also player game at this world. most of all one who belong into
voluminous age now, certain ever play game.

between players game that (is may be belong you), certain many among others that want to be a
game developer expecting him to can make game the fantasy self. but, a lot feel unable because
doesn't has education background memadai or related to game development.
even, one with education surface ti (information technology) definitive has erudition
programming base, may be feel unable to step into the fantasy world, world game development,
because never absolutely get to chance to make game.

therefore, with existence framework sophisticated very help somebody to programming game
like xna framework, we are gestures to document basic knowledges xna framework and
maker beginning step game by using xna framework.
thank pronunciation as great as possible from we are to ronald rajagukguk and narenda wicaksono,
be our inspiration in makes e-book this ^; vincentius quiet w. ismawan (wiwied),
make us cover e-book okay has ^; and all crew agate studio always support
we are in maker e-book this.
we hope to pass e-book this, more and more one who dig to return dream his babyhood to be
a game developer!
happy game developing, everyone! ^

Download ebook Tutorial
READ MORE - Ebook Tutorial Software XNA Game Studio 4

Software Dr. WEB v.5

tool anti-virus and anti-spyware free that will help you in will detect and cause the loss of virus and or spyware that disturb security and freshment pc you.

dr. web automatically will detect language that used in operating system and interface menu (interfaces user) from dr. web will be settinged locally (if local language there is no, so english that use)ed.

dr. web can detect and me-remove, among others:

• Mass-mailing worms
• E-mail viruses
• Peer-to-peer viruses
• Internet worms
• File viruses
• Trojans
• Stealth viruses
• Polymorphic viruses
• Bodiless viruses
• Macro viruses
• MS Office viruses
• Script viruses
• Spyware
• Spybots
• Password stealers
• Keyloggers
• Paid Dialers
• Adware
• Riskware
• Hacktools
• Backdoors
• Joke programs
• Malicious scripts
• Other malware

File size: 13.8 MB (freeware)
Sistem operasi: Windows all
READ MORE - Software Dr. WEB v.5

Speed up Mozilla Firefox by using Software SpeedFox

frequently we see speed FireFox decreased without clear reason, and doesn't know why! ! ntah that is proxy FireFox- less associate or, , bandwidth- less maximal. hufftt. . from in detect self weakness firefox, the good we try deh sopwer successor firefox so that can more maximal! ! .

this software me can from use google russia. 0pzz. . ! ! direct yes i am affection tau the use manner.

1. install FireFox (all versions).
2. double click shortcut firefox.
3. kalo opened, enclosing window’s FireFox
4. install SpeedFox
5. finished. . ! !

well, , now SpeedFox udah we udah road, and enjoy browsing with bandwidth goodly. deficit SpeedFox, the language wears russia language, also rather enjelimet the display, but can kok at change! . try regulated res apps SpeedFox-

note: this not tool to speed up connection ff. this is to speed up startup ff. not secret again, predominantly for PC he is rather slow, startup ff that can be said slow. well, tool this is the to it compress data ff, so that time startup can be cut. this i have tried at pc my worn out (piv 1.7g with louvre 256 mb), time the result startup can be cut around half. . .

size: 33,4mb
for :all Windows
Download SpeedFox and FireFox
Download SpeedFox
READ MORE - Speed up Mozilla Firefox by using Software SpeedFox

Destroy ignorant hand with Software counters NetCut and counter ARP

intermediate evening i squat menempat he is forum smadav can good software make ignoramus preventative that is local software that functioneds to menangkal attack arp vulnerability, like attack netcut and connection cutter program bandwith lai. . insya allah can be chased away well. .

before merilis good that is in first version until second this, this program endure the effectiveness effort stage, and proved can to chase away attack netcut application of a kind it

at that time my friend tests to try program counters arp this, before he activates when fired with netcut the protection (network wireless connection inet stopped direct ngk connections to internet. after he activates stopped the connection previous the protection now soes fluent return, although fired several times even also permanent the results not influential. want pake netcut version all also not influential. .

ambulatory in windows xp, windows vista and windows 7

cheesy executant netcut also can found out lho when does button view arp connection be can be depressed, usually executant netcut there under connection arp server, besides ip he is mac address also appear. . hehe so can found out that whoever again use netcut. wink

you can download to counter netcut freely, because i reserve for at downlod voluntaryly. my message is for you that loves berinternet mengarea hotspot improve your vigilance, because not only threatened with manner netcut, but also manner hacker naughty that will steal data at leptop you.

please tried gan. . steady. . tongue
Download Tutorial Instal
Download Software Anti ARP V.2
Download Software Anti NetCut
READ MORE - Destroy ignorant hand with Software counters NetCut and counter ARP

Identified Faked Profile at Facebook

estimated, from 500 million user facebook, many among others that has more than 1.000 friend list. but what us know friend profile faked or not?

this faked profile is usually is made with reason intelejen (want to spy on), gather datas from facebook one with purpose to menjebol account. even later often happen theft chip poker, there also because merely kill time to make annoying towards bearness friends, with there also that have occasion to because less pede (believe self) with appearance self so that wear short cut with turn on another person photo.

i want to share a little hit several characteristics and faked profile character, based on observation and small-scale research result from my team is that nameds FB Xpost. follow several faked profile characters commonly use person,

1. faked profile majority is made with identity wear girl sex, although there also that make with genre guy but untk girl category stills dominanter.

2. faked profile usually holds pretty girl photo collection with appearance so decoys so that final quite a few charmed.

3. faked profile usually doesn't display original photo, but not all profiles can not display original photo the that account owner can be said faked caused by several reasons. among others because reason islami (threaten in syara) and another reason. for that one characteristic insufficient you can search and fuse with feature another.

4. profile info too short equally too simple even for a few profile info category is not equiped.

5. for faked profile bergenre girl usually at friendlist dominant account facebook bergenre average guy berstatus bachelor.

6. girl faked profile usually in wall congest comment from friends at friendlist. saking quantity, the account owner soes lazy to reply existing comments.

7. faked profile usually too aggresif to knows somebody or sometimes 'pretend know pretend near'.

8. there is no friend and or bearness friend once in a while vacate time to fill comment.

9. doesn't has result photo gallery tag from friend or bearness friends.

i suggest, if you get friend request from somebody bot at all you know even bot at all also braid friendship connection with your friends best cancels or ignore. certain you also ask around. than confused, direct crush reject.
READ MORE - Identified Faked Profile at Facebook

preventive netcut with counter netcut

as does a disease, in general has medicine or the preventive each. so also with netcut. the preventive software name self not far from the disease name, that is counter netcut.


with wear antinetcut, so be guaranteed you escaped from ones will will kill that use netcut to dominate bandwidth or merely want ignorant another user. even we can detect to who that is use/runing netcut in network.

counter netcut

okay, so that not berpanjang wide, please download to counter netcut-, afterwards install the software at your computer. don't forget to run to counter netcut every you linked to a network hotspot or lan, so that candid from software attack netcut.

necessary you realize, software a kind of this (netcut) is within reason a virus, always present a step in front of from counter itself virus. so, always ascertain to counter netcut you use version or update-an newest.

Download Software
READ MORE - preventive netcut with counter netcut

Software Internet Trace Remover

free cleaner application program, easy, and practise in clean all related to trace rekam from internet activities or computer.

free internet window washer free application program that has ability in wipes off matters related to trace rekam internet and your computer activities, like temporary folders, run history, search history, recent documents, browser´s cache, cookies, history, typed urls, autocomplete memory, index. dat files, and still many again.

besides, this application also can wipe off important data according to better and safe, so that data can not merecovery by one who irresponsible.

File size: 1.15 MB (freeware)
Sistem operasi: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Download Software
READ MORE - Software Internet Trace Remover

Tutorial Makes CCTV with Webcam

in will chance this me will try to share how make camera cctv by using webcam. angered bagimana its way? ? cekidot, ,

oiya, here i am friend sure blogger udah understand all kan what that cctv? ? certain it, hehe. okay, so me not take care to explain farther, langung keinti aja yeah. why here i use webcam not cctv original? ?

1. cctv that still expensive sob, if webcam solemn.
2. doesn't want attachment again, difference with cctv.
3. and, not too difficult to tried for beginner circle likes me this.

above that can be said surplus from webcam, while for deficit webcam like:

1. distance not too long, because use cable usb. may be max 10 m.
2. please look for tau self yeah, hehehe.

before we try tutorial makes cctv with webcam, it is better friend blogger prepare perlatan beforehand.

1. cable usb (max 10 meter)s. choose have a certain quality, don't cable not clear. friend blogger can langusung ask to computer store that you have believed.
2. webcam (up to want what). here i use webcam brand mediatech 5 megapixel.
3. software webcamxp or webcam 7..
4. and last, secangkir coffee nescafe and sebungkus cigarette. (if this make adult yeah, underage child is forbidden hard) hehee.

bagimana? ? ready all? ? lanjuuut, , ,

1. look for and place webcam on course that want at pantau.
2. correlate webcam with computer, later automatic webcam will install driver, so that our computer will identified webcam.
3. install application webcamxp/webcam 7 that i share previous.
4. run webcam 7 he, but previous don't forget at activation formerly yeah.
5. click right white box the number, click pci/usb (wdm driver), then choose source webcam friend blogger. here webcam i am usb 2.0 camera.
6. usb webcamkemudian click to return box a while ago friend blogger click right to see the result.
cctv 1

how? ? for increase webcam, manner that used same.

setting webcam cctv so that can at access from computer other:
if friend blogger has hotspot at home, we can make use hotspot to observe cctv during we linked to hotspot/network.

1. at menu left side, click web/broadcast.
2. click activate.
3. now we can see webcam cctv from computer media, notebook and or hp (smartphone), with media note whom we have used linked with network.

to prove him, friend blogger can type at adress your browser pothouse,
http: /ipadress: 8080 ipadress at change with ip adress your computer
http: /namakomputeranda: 8080 namakomputer at change with namakomputer your computer

or to be more the easy, please click link right side most under at webcam 7/webcamxp. (http online@bla. . blaa. . bla)
display at access from computer:

display cctv when at access from hp, here i use nokia 5800.

want design web display cctv he is self? ? easy kok, first click menu tools > generate html code. copy deh code html at yield, then make the web display at will. hehehee

okay, until here formerly yeah sob, later at go on to if there chance, , hehe
congratulation try,
READ MORE - Tutorial Makes CCTV with Webcam

Software Luxad Blink for face recognition

login to pc without having to nudge pc! yups, with this application is your can login to only with aim your face to webcam found at pc.

luxand blink! face recognition be application that can be used to login to a computer with aim face to webcam found at computer. without password and without scan sidik finger.

this free application can be used when you wish for to login to computer with only use face. although free, tool this has ability in identified face with condition however, so that you are unnecessary worries, when did you cut hair, shave moustache, use make up, and still many again, application from luxand this can to identified.

besides, by using luxand blink! , your computer security is well guaranteder, because you are unnecessary use password to be able to logging, so that security level well guaranteder. tool this can you are implementation to pc also office.

File size: 8.43 MB (freeware)
Sistem operasi: Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7
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My Lan Viewer 3.0 Full Crack

My Lan Viewer 3.0 Full Crack, dari namanya pasti sobat blogger sudah mempunyai gambaran tentang software yang satu ini kan?? apalagi klo di tambah embel-embel full crack. Wihhh,, makin paham aja deh,, heheh
MyLanViewer is a powerful network scanner, file searcher and IP monitor for your home network. It displays your network computers an easy to read, buddy-list style window that provides the machine names, IP addresses, MAC addresses, shared resources and other technical details for each computer.

INFO : Crack berjalan 100%, tapi softwarenya belum saya uji coba kemampuannya. Kalau ada pernah uji coba, silahkan di share aja yah,, ok
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ukuran: 3 mb
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Software Galry utiliti portable

Program aplikasi yang menawarkan kemudahan dan kegunaan dalam hal memperbaiki, memaintain, meningkatkan, dan melindungi sistem yang terdapat pada PC.

Glary Utilities Portable (GUP) memiliki fitur dan fungsi yang sangat berguna bagi Anda dalam merawat komputer kesayangan Anda. Beberapa fungsi yang terdapa pada GUP, antara lain membersihkan file-file sampah, file registry yang tidak terdaftar, dan jejak file internet.

Selain itu, dengan GUP Anda juga dapat mengatur dan menghapus add-on yang ingin Anda hapus pada browser, menganalis ruang kosong pada harddisk, mencari data ganda, melakukan enkripsi untuk mengamankan data, membagi beberapa file besar menjadi bagian-bagian kecil, dan masih banyak lagi.

Termasuk, mengoptimalkan kinerja memori dan memperbaiki, mencari, atau menghilangkan Windows shortcut, serta menguninstal perangkat lunak yang tidak terpakai, adalah beberapa fungsi lain yang terdapat pada aplikasi gratis ini.

File size: 7.7 MB (freeware)
Sistem operasi: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
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Software Horoskop jawa V.2

Bagi temen-temen yang ingin mengetahui seputar nasib,jodoh, ataupun hari keberuntungan. Ga usah Ketik Reg-regan segala,,
Cukup download aplikasi ramalan yang satu ini dijamin mak nyussss
Karna ramalan horoskop jawa ini mengambil panduan dari beberapa buku primbon terkemuka. Aplikasi buatan anak negri sendiri ini cukup menarik untuk digunakan.
Bagi yang berminat bisa langsung di download
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Software Hikaro buat belajar huruf jepang

Hikaro merupakan sebuah tools Windows yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu sobat blogger menghafal huruf-huruf Jepang, seperti Hiragana dan Katakana. Aplikasi ini buatan lokal loh sob, tepatnya dibuat oleh sobat M. Bensekh B.
Sejarah Hikaro:

Versi 0.1 alpha
Rilis pertama
Sangat sederhana
Versi 0.2 beta
Perbaikan bugs
Ditambahkan fitur waktu
Versi 0.3 gamma
Ditambahkan rekord waktu
Perubahan tampilan
Versi 1.0
Ditambahkan Hikaro Learner's Sheets (PDF)

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For You My Family

saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih pada semua keluarga, saudara, sahabat saya yang telah meluangkan waktu nya buat ucapkan ultah kepada saya hari ini......

semoga do'a kalian semua dan cita2 nya di kabulkan oleh Tuhan ( allah )......

serta kalian mendapat do'a dari para malaikat .....

maaf kan smua dosa-dosa aku yang telah aku lakukan pada kalian...

jangan marah ya....

semoga kalian bisa langgeng dengan pasangan masing-masing......

READ MORE - For You My Family

Tool Jahil Wi-Fi

karena hari ini saya sedang gembira dan menjadi hari keluar saya yang di tetapkan oleh yang kuasa ( allah S.W.T ), saya akan posting pada temen-temen mengenai tool yang sedikit nakal, yaitu tentang Wi-Fi/lan.....
katanya sih dengan tools ini sobat blogger bisa mencuri bandwidth orang lain, dan orang yang di curi bandwidth nya secara otomatis akan terputus dari jaringan. Keren kan?? Bandwidth nya kita curi, otomatis kecepatan koneksi kita akan bertambah, bayangkan aja kalau semua pengguna hotspot kita cut?? Ckk..ckk..
Pasti sobat blogger udah menyiapkan rencana yang cukup kejam ni, Jangan digunakan untuk iseng yah. Bagaiamana?? mau janji dulu nggak?? kalau nggak mau nggak akan saya lanjutkan lho. Hehehe

Tools ini bernama NetCut yang berarti Network Cut. Network berarti jaringan sedangkan Cut adalah gunting, jadi secara bahsa tools ini dapat diartikan sebagai tools pemotong jaringan. Cara menggunakan tools ini menurut saya relatif mudah, berikut penjelasan nya :

1. Download NetCut di link download yang sudah saya sediakan. (dibawah)
2. Instal NetCut, kemudian ikuti tahapan-tahapan yang ada.
3. Bila proses instal telah selesai, silakan restart pc anda
4. Kemudian jalankan Program NetCut, maka akan tampak IP yang sedang aktif.
5. Plih IP yang akan anda jadikan mangsa, senjutnya klik Cut Off

Jrengggg,, IP target akan terputus dari server dan jatah bandwidth nya jadi milik anda. Gampang kan cara menggunakan nya?? sekali lagi saya tekankan, jangan digunakan untuk iseng atau kegiatan yang dapat merugikan orang lain. Misalnya, anda lagi mendownload software sebesar 200 Mb dan proses sudah berjalan 95%, tetapi tiba-tiba koneksi terputus?? bagaimana perasaan anda??

Disini, saya hanya share aja tentang ilmu yang saya dapat, tidak ada maksud untuk mengajari hal-hal yang buruk. Selebihnya tergantung dari setiap individu masing-masing. Mau digunakan untuk kebaikan apa kejahatan. Saya tidak bertanggung jawab dengan segala hal yang akan terjadi setelah anda mencoba trik Cara Mencuri Bandwidth Wifi/Lan Menggunakan NetCut ini.

Untuk mengantisipasi pencurian bandwidth dengan NetCut, sobat blogger butuh tools yang bernama Anti NetCut. Untuk tutorial anti NetCut nya, ditunggu aja yah,, Okei

Selamat Mencoba

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