blog this is me make to share my invention about internet exploration at every evening


Enhance PC Security

A lot of annoying things that can happen to our computer. For example there are people who either deliberately or accidentally deleting important files we. Or change the various configurations in Windows. In addition it could have other people see your files confidential. Such events are very likely to occur when your computer is a computer "general". That is a lot of other people who helped put on, for example a friend, sister or brother. Remember, a beginner (in computer terms) are usually very happy to try everything on the computer. Well, to avoid the things that we do not want that happening on our computer you can try a variety of the following steps:

1. BIOS password
The first time you have to put a password on your BIOS. Why? Because the BIOS there are facilities to enable and disable some of our computer resources. Although there is an easy way to penetrate this password, but at least it will slow down the intruder ....

2. Make sure the boot only from hard drive.
In your BIOS, make sure the settings for booting from the hard disk only. In other words, disable booting from a floppy disk facility, CD-ROM, or other media.

3. Disable Start-up Menu
With the startup menu to disable it so other people (including us) can only boot from Windows (can not boot to a DOS Prompt). How, in the config.sys file add: Switches = / F / N to CONFIG.SYS. At the top of the autoexec.bat file add:
Being at the very end of the autoexec.bat file add: CTTY CON

4. Disable Boot Key
The point is to prevent accidental button and F5 F8 during boot. By pressing F8 will display the start-up menu. How to disable: Open msdos.sys file located in the main directory (C: \) with Notepad. Then replace the Bootkeys Bootkeys = 1 = 0.

5. Hide the icon in the Control Panel
In the Control Panel there are various facilities to do the settings / configuration on our computer. For example setting of passwords, printers, desktop themes, etc.. Well if you do not want anyone else who wants to change your computer settings, you can perform the following actions, namely hiding the icon in Control Panel. The trick, first open the file control.ini contained in the folder c: \ windows \ control.ini (if your windows folder with another name, please adjusted). Then under the section [do not load] please do not enter the facility you want to show. For example to hide the icon password please write "password.cpl = no". To hide the Desktop Settings icon, write "desk.ini = no", and so on. To view the *. cpl file list you can see in c: \ windows \ system.

6. Protect with Software
With software protection can vary its shape. First encryption. By performing encryption (encryption) of others will find it hard to open files that are encrypted. At the time we are required to encrypt a password, which password will also be used to perform decryption. That way people who do not know the password will not be able to open the file and will not know its contents. Examples of software used to perform encryption is Cryptext, PGP, etc.. In addition to the encryption there are other ways to secure our files, that is by using the software Win-Secure It and Folder Guard. With our software can hide files / folders, prevent the execution of the program, preventing deletion (delete), etc.. Files that have been hidden (hidden) will not be visible in Windows Explorer even if the option Show All Files enabled. Preventing others to execute / run the program becomes very important if you have the software to configure on Windows, such as Winboost, Tweak UI, the Start Menu Changer, and so on.

7. When you include paranoid
With the six steps on your computer already has a decent level of security (certainly not bad for a hacker). But when you include paranoid or really scared your computer diisengin others you can continue the next step. That was the delete or rename files that include the category of "dangerous" when running, such as FDISK.EXE, FORMAT.EXE, etc..
READ MORE - Enhance PC Security

How to Create Bootable USB Drive

USB (Universal Serial Bus) drive has become a device that is often used for backing up data, shifting the function floppy disks, CDs and ZIP disks. USB drives are not only cheap but also very practical, durable, and can have a fairly large storage capacity. For we do not anticipate when the computer can boot, we should have a bootable disk. Bootable disk can be mengindarkan us of our inability to access the computer because of boot problems. By using a bootable USB drive, we can even solve problems faster booting.

Here are the steps to create a bootable USB drive:
1. Insert your USB drive into one USB port on your computer

2. Click the "Start" button at the bottom left on your computer screen

3. Type "cmd" in the RUN window to open a command prompt

4. Type "disk parts" into a command prompt and press Enter. After that type "list disk" and press Enter again.

5. Determine which of the disks that display the list of which is a USB drive. (For example, 4GB USB drive, then the option with 4GB size that you need to see). Record the number that identifies your USB drive it in the paper.

6. Type the following command into the command prompt to format on a USB drive.

"Select the disk A," replace "A" with the number you get in step 5 earlier. Press Enter
"Clean." Press Enter
"Create Partition Memory." Press "Enter."
"Select Partition A." Press "Enter."
"Format FS = NTFS." Press "Enter."
"Assign." Press "Enter."
"Exit." Press "Enter."

7. Insert the installation CD of Windows XP or Vista you. Your computer will read the installation CD, and a window will appear on the screen. List of all drives will be displayed there. Look for the letter which is a symbol of the CD-ROM and a USB drive. Take note of these letters in the paper.

8. Type the following command into the command prompt:

"B: CD boot," replace "B" letter which is the symbol of the CD-ROM. Press "Enter."
"CD boot." Press "Enter."
"Bootsect.exe/NT60 C:," replace "C" with the letter which is a symbol of the USB Drive. Press "Enter."

9. Copy the boot information from the installation CD to a USB drive by entering the following command into the command prompt:
"Xcopy c: *.* / s / e / f B: /," replace "B" letter which is the symbol of the CD-ROM and replace "C" with the letter which is a symbol of the USB drive. Press "Enter."

Let the computer to copy data from the installation CD to a USB drive.

10. Unplug the USB drive from the USB port, replace the lid, and give the label "bootable" with markers. Save the USB drive it in a safe place. Remove your Windows installation CD and return it to its place.
READ MORE - How to Create Bootable USB Drive

How to manually eradicate the virus in the computer

Eradicate the virus is not detected by antivirus on the computer. Usually this type of local virus2 who must wait some time tuk bs kebaca antivirus, antivirus providers jg coz humans who need time to make updates Exterminate virus2 tuk who continue to roam it.
Here's how the manual or call the command with Windows tuk Exterminate virus
The first step with deadly virus who are running in memory
• How, to show the Windows Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del
• Go to the tab "Processes", then click the "User Name" to sort the files that are processed in memory.
• Turn off all suspicious EXE file as a virus in the computer memory that we have previously sorted based on the "User Name". Do not turn off file the category "System", "Local Service", and "Network Service", because it can make our system Hang or Freeze.
Second Stage with Disable Virus on Startup
• The trick with using the MSCONFIG command, click Start menu> Run> msconfig
• window will display "System Configuration Utility". Then select the tab "Startup"
• In the startup window will pop up any application program that will run when the computer first loading the first time, so choose which one is activated and is not, in this case as a suspicious applications that the virus component is not enabled (disable) or by not menconteng check box, step should simply select "Disable All" and enable (enable) return the desired startup if the virus has been eradicated.
The third stage is to remove files from a computer virus
• How to use the facility "Search" in Windows, click Start menu> Search
• Then find the EXE file the virus (virus samples: Tati.exe) known name from the first and second steps (memory or startup).
• The file is usually located in the System32 or another folder in Windows. Once found, delete, or delete the file. Some of the events to delete these files need to move the first folder and then delete or move ever jg after the file could not be didelete then restarting the computer solution and then delete.
The fourth stage is to remove the virus from the System Registry
• This is the last step by using the command REGEDIT, select Start> Run> regedit
• Will perform the Registry Editor window and select menu "Edit" select "Find" (Ctrl + F)
• Input file name that we want to delete the virus (Tati.exe), then select "Find Next". Once found virus files, delete all the registry that contains the components of the virus.
• Repeat this step to look for other viruses file2.
• When finished restart the computer, finish
READ MORE - How to manually eradicate the virus in the computer

Notebook Screen Dead

There are a lot of people ask me, my laptop after falling really dark, or the laptop suddenly dark or like totally dead. What actually happened ...? Let's learn together .....

Cause Laptop Screen Dark or Off:

1. VGA chipset
2. flexible cable
3. Inverter / plyback on television
4. LCD

So if dark or dead there are several possibilities, we can keep track of vga first. Its distinctive feature is try connecting the vga out with an external LCD monitor or the dark when there is a possibility chipset vga yg damaged.

Meanwhile, when lit, there is a possibility lcd, inverter, or a flexible cable. To test must use an identical or the same dikanibalkan typenya. Such as inverters, lcd or flexible.

If we look at a picture of a thin or as shadows on the LCD, then that might be damaged is the LCD backlight (CCFL), an inverter or flexibelnya.

So dark conditions or die is not necessarily have to replace the LCD.

may be useful
READ MORE - Notebook Screen Dead

Quick Open Applications

Description of problem:
Netbooks are small to make the PC a bit complicated if you want to run applications that are stored in a somewhat hidden. A more practical way is to register the file / application to the registry, so that Windows will immediately recognize the name of the program on the call and immediately executes it.

Here are the steps:
1. Run Registry Editor by typing "regedit".
2. Go to the subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ App Paths
3. Create a new subkey with the name you want, for example aplikasiku.exe
4. Double-click the data string is named (Default) and enter its value to the location of the file or application, for example D: \ master \ files \ app.exe.

For the results, typing "my application on the Run menu or the Command Prompt, and observe what happens.
READ MORE - Quick Open Applications

How to change photos into cartoons

If you ever walk into a tourist spot in Bali for example, maybe you've seen an artist was painting in a way you profesional.Pastinya kelihaiannya amazed at the speed and painting, plus imagination poured into gambar.Tetapi "What if we do not have the Background as a hug ... is? ".

To make a photo into cartoon like painted, you can air-fights with artists tersebut.Tentunya great tools we rely on here is Adobe Photoshop.

As a teaching tool this time we will give 1 piece of the picture as a reference.

Open the photo that we had prepared earlier into Photoshop by selecting File> Open.Klik the CTRL + J to duplicate Layer.Beri create a new layer name with the name "sketch." Karna we will begin to edit the sketches first.

Click 2x on the background layer> OK, Rename the background layer into a color.

# Select the menu Filter> Blur> Smart Blur.Tentukan its parameters in accordance with:

Radius of 10.

Threshold is 35.

With High Quality.

Mode under normal circumstances.

Radius and threshold parameters can match you with the desire anda.Lakukanlah experiment with the numbers that you think fits ..

Then click OK to continue.

The next step menu select Filter> Sharpen> Sharpen Edges to sharpen the angle-sudt image.

Followed by selecting the menu Filter> Other> High Pass.

In the High Pass window to do a radius of 2 pixel settings, you will see the screen turn into gray. Click the OK button to continue.

Select the menu image> adjusments> thresold.

Define the parameter Threshold Level of 128. If you want memodifnya please, do not hesitate to try.

The result you will see the picture had been transformed into black and white sketches. Click the OK button to melanjutnya to the next step.

Click the Magic Wand Tooll menu, specify the tolerance for 20.Lalu click any area that is white, then some sections will be selected.

Select the menu Select> Similar to expand the selection area.
# Then press the delete button to remove the area that terseleksi.Tekan combination CTRL + D, and the selection area will be lost, displaying images that have similar truck kartun.Sekarang images we will switch to the second layer, the layer COLOR under the sketch layer. Click the Color layer, select Filter> Blur> Smart Blur.Lalu make the settings as follows:

Radius 10. Threshold is 35. With High Quality. And Mode to Normal.
Do not forget to click OK.Sekarang you try to compare images that have not been edited and are already in the edit.
READ MORE - How to change photos into cartoons

Improving safe mode trouble

Safe Mode is one of the first way to overcome the problematic windows. When a computer problem as viruses, software installation, is incompatible with certain programs, or other problems, usually we can fix by going into Safe Mode. But what if we can not get into Safe Mod ... e?

Not a few viruses that damage the Windows Safe Mode to prevent us get into safe mode and remove the virus or fix it from there. When we can not get into Safe Mode, then it could be a problem, because the first step to repairing or analyze windows can not be done. (See also Safe Mode, Benefits and Uses)

If you experience something like that, now we can use a small and simple software (for free and also portable) to fix safe mode, Safe Mode Fixer (SMFixer). This software will meperbaiki Windows Safe Mode to be active again.

Its use is easy, because it's software (tool) has only three buttons, namely: Fix, Help and Exit. To fix the safe mode just click Fix, then the computer will restart immediately, and when it restarts press F8 key (can be several times to make sure we can get into Safe Mode menu option).

After fi press the FIX, the computer will automatically restart, so save first if we are working on a document or writing important data before performing repairs with SMFixer.

As a note, because this software is a software security (security) associated with the file system, registry systems and applications (processes) currently running, then the application must run with administrator permissions. Several other security software may also block these applications, such as Avira, so if you do not succeed, it is advisable to turn off security software such as Antivirus and Firewall first.

Safe Mode Fixer download or SMFixer on Softpedia (112 KB, Windows XP, Vista and 7
READ MORE - Improving safe mode trouble

Creating animated wallpaper in blackgrond on windos 7

If you are wondering how to make the background on the screen moves, follow the steps below:

Download Dream Scene Activator (download link at end of article).

Extract the files you have downloaded using WinZip, WinRar or 7zip.

Copy the file Windows 7 DreamScene Activator.exe to the desktop.

Right-click the file and select Run as administrator.

Enable DreamScene with Dream Scene click the Enable button.

Find a video file to MPEG or WMV format to serve as the background. If not, you can download a sample file special animated wallpapers (there downlload links at the end of the article).

Right-click the video file and select Set as Desktop Background.

READ MORE - Creating animated wallpaper in blackgrond on windos 7

How to treat leptop / netbook / notebook

This time it will review on How to care for a good laptop. With Good Care, then the laptop will be more durable and long lasting .... OK let's look together ....

Knowingly or not, most of us have bad behavior in terms of material possessions or goods. What is it? Negligent in terms of treatment. Often we only use the item, but lazy to track how the item should be treated or maintained. The reasons vary, ranging from felt he had no time, inherently lazy, or because of lack of complete knowledge about the need for care. No exception to the laptop.

If so, then what and how we should treat the laptop to always remain in top condition? Here are some tips, do's and don'ts, or at least avoided laptop users to stay perfect despite the laptop's performance has long been used.

Note the temperature conditions

Laptops or notebooks are composed of various electronic components whose performance is affected by temperature. Among them, the temperature is too extreme, such as too hot or too cold, can disturb the performance or even damage the laptop. Therefore, avoid the habit of leaving the laptop in a car parked under the hot sun. Avoid also highlight the laptop is under direct sunlight. Generally, manufacturers recommend a temperature between 5-35 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, to the height of the laptop is recommended to work at altitudes below 2,500 meters above sea level.

Save a laptop

If you will keep the laptop in a long time (one week more), should remove the battery and store in a cool, dry, and circulate air well enough. Place the silicone gel to avoid fungus. So want to use it again, stun or content of the battery by completely filling and emptying as much as three times in a row.

Avoid magnetic fields

To protect the data on the hard drive, do not place devices that contain magnetic fields / strong electromagnets around a laptop. Of devices producing magnetic fields, such as speakers are not shielded (unshielded speaker system) or a cellular telephone. If you want to access the Internet using the facility infrared on the phone, place the phone within a distance of about 15 cm from the laptop.

Deadly correctly

Never turn off the laptop when the hard drive light is still blinking. This indicates the hard disk is still active. The loss of power suddenly (eg when the laptop is turned off) can cause data loss or interruption of performance on the hard disk. Make sure the hard drive light is dead before you shutdown the laptop.

Plug into the power stabilizer

If you're working on a laptop using electricity (without batteries), then you should use a stabilizer that can prevent the occurrence of an unstable electrical voltage to your laptop.

Avoid too soft surfaces

Do not place the laptop when the lights in place with a very soft surface such as a sofa or mattress, so the laptop becomes visible somewhat drowned. This is very dangerous, because it can inhibit the release of heat from the laptop and make the laptop overheats.

LCD Monitor Hinges

If observed closely, in the folds between the CPU and the LCD monitor there is a hinge that allows the two components were clenched to each other. Be aware that the heaviest burden in a laptop is on the hinges. Therefore, do not give a snap when opening the monitor, as I turn on the laptop. Likewise, on the contrary, do not be too hard to close the monitor when finished using the laptops.

Do not disassemble the laptop.

Dismantle their own laptop or not by experts, was a very unwise. Laptops are not like radio or tape recorder. Many parts are so small that the manufacturer have been assembled using robotic precision. If you're careless, then your laptop could be damaged severely. Always carry a defective laptop to the IT or the service center of your laptop.

Nursing courses

Nursing a kind of software application programs, it is equally important and should be done a week or once a month. The goal, so the data is not corrupted or missing. In addition, in order not to deal with the problem of the program when we are in the journey. Nursing courses include your hard drive, install antivirus, and hard drive.

When running programs that leave temporary files, the hard drive must receive a file that is not required. To that end, clean the hard drives of those files at least once a month so the laptop can work better. It is advisable to use programs that disc clean up has been available in the operating system like Windows.

For antiviral treatment installation, can be done by installing antivirus software on the laptop. Always update your virus definition data to anticipate the latest viruses. Nearly 90 percent disabling some software applications and data corruption due to viruses. With the installation of antivirus, then the data in the laptop will be safe.

For treatment of hard disk, do a defrag once a month on my hard drive. The goal is to rearrange the position of the files that are scattered so as to accelerate the search for the file system. Then use ScanDisk to correct errors found in the directory and File Allocation Table.

Also try to make more than one hard drive partitions, for example two or three partitions. This is useful if a time, the operating system that we use in error (damaged) are usually accommodated in the C partition, then simply stay reformat the operating system, without disturbing the existence of various kinds of data are typically stored on another partition, for example the partition D or partition E.
READ MORE - How to treat leptop / netbook / notebook

CPU slow service

Yesterday there was a consumer who complained to his computer, his complaint like this:
1. computer very slow when login windows.
2. if you save the file on the desktop after the restart missing.
3. programs often re-installed windows and often broken.

How to slow CPU Service and Frequently Damaged Windows:

The first thing I did was reformat and install windows again. Test my computer all day and it turns out there's no problem. The next day when computers would be sent to the home consumer, the computer I test again and found the windows will not boot at all with black screen after exiting the BIOS menu.

Wow maybe the memory is damaged and damage the program. Then the memory / RAM I test with a test ram in linux ubuntu boot menu and it turns out the RAM no problem.

Then I suspect the hard drive, then try to format my hard drive using the old way is with the DOS format command. And indeed did permasalahnnya on this disk. This hard drive has bad sectors are very small so it does not look damaged and bad sectornya it evenly.

Problems met and eventually I replaced the hard drive and then install it again and so far, and the goods are ready to send ......

Indeed, today I often ignore such cases. If before I install a computer with Windows damage, usually a step I do is:

1. Check RAMnya (check RAM use of linux)
2. Check the hard drive (use the old DOS version format / use HDD Regenerator)

Thus my experience, good luck .....
READ MORE - CPU slow service

Windows Xp registry tips part 1

Some tips and registry below only applies for Windows XP.
Before fiddling with the Registry, it's good backup first.

1. Click the Start button> Run.
2. Type regedit and press Enter after being in the Run window.
3. In Registry Editor, choose File menu> Export.
4. After the Export Registry File appears, enter the file name into the File Name, for example, registry backup and so on.
5. press the Save button.

Accelerating Update Registry
Press Start> Log Off> Log Off.

Changing Wallpaper
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
Double click on the wallpaper and insert the desired image path in the Value Data.

Renaming Recycle Bin
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
Double click on the option (Default value) and rename it as desired in the Value Data.

Raising Rename the Recycle Bin
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} / ShellFolder
Double click on the Attributes> Edit Binary Value. In the Value data, change that number to 0000 50 01 00 20.

Hide the Recycle Bin
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Desktop / NameSpace
Delete the subkey {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}, then Restart the computer to see the results.
To bring it back, make re-combination of numbers {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}.

Adding Content Shortcut Menu On the Recycle Bin
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} / ShellFolder
Double-click Attributes and change the number in the Value Data with the following numbers:
0000 50 01 00 20> Rename
0000 60 01 00 20> Delete
0000 70 01 00 20> Rename & Delete
0000 41 01 00 20> Copy
0000 42 01 00 20> Cut
0000 43 01 00 20> Copy & Cut
0000 44 01 00 20> Paste
0000 45 01 00 20> Copy & Paste
0000 46 01 00 20> Cut & Paste
0000 47 01 00 20> Cut, Copy & Paste

Adding Content Shortcut Menu On the Recycle Bin With Menu Options
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} / Shell
Click the Edit menu> New> Key and name it as desired (example: Go To Windows Explorer).
Under the new key, press the Edit menu> New> Key and create a new key named Command.
Double-click option (Default), and in the Value Data, content with the path to the Windows Explorer (C: \ WINDOWS \ Explorer.exe).

Restoring Folder Documents Lost In My Computer
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / DocFolderPaths
Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name in accordance with the username used in Windows (eg: Chippers)
Double click on the value and enter the path where you are Documents (eg D: \ Documents)

Getting rid of Stored Files From My Computer

Delete the subkey {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} by hitting the Del key.

Hide the My Recent Documents
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Click the Edit menu> New> DWORD Value and name NoRecentDocsMenu.
Then double click on DWORD Value, and give the numbers 1 to activate it.

Hiding Menu Find
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Click the Edit menu> New> DWORD Value and name NoFind.
Then double click on DWORD Value and give value 1 to activate it. Restart the computer.

Hide Help And Support
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Create a new DWORD Value - Menu Edit> New> DWORD Value, and name NoSMHelp.
Then double click on NoSMHelp and content with value 1 in Value Data. Restart the computer.

Hide the Run menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoRun. Double click and enter the number 1 as the Value Data.

Hide the Run menu from Start Menu (2)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Find the value named Start_ShowRun, double click and insert value 0 in the Value Data.

Hide the Log Off
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Click the Edit menu> New> Binary Value and name NoLogOff.
Double click on NoLogOff and enter the numbers 01 00 00 00 in the Value Data.

Hiding Menu Turn Off Computer
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Click the Edit menu> New> DWORD Value and name NoClose.
Double click NoClose and give value 1 in Value Data.

Cleartype At Logon Screen
HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop
Double click FontSmoothingType and insert number 2 in the Value Data.

Creating Different Views On The windows Logon
HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / ThemeManager
Double click and enter ColorName Metallic text in Value Data.

Administrator in Welcome Screen Displays
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ UserLis t
Create a new DWORD Value and name it Administrator.
Double-click Administrator and enter the value 1 in Value Data.

Login Automatically
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon
Double click and enter your username AltDefaultUserName selected account.
Double click AutoAdminLogon and insert value 1 in Value Data.
Create a new DWORD Value and give name DefaultPassword.
Double click DefaultPassword and enter the account password is selected in the Value Data.

Hiding Printers & Faxes icon from the Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Find the value named Start_ShowPrinters and give the value 0 in Value Data.

Hiding the Control Panel from the Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Find the value named Start_ShowControlPanel and double-click on the section.
Enter the value 0 in Value Data.

Hide menu My Pictures From the Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Double click on Start_ShowMyPics and insert value 0 in the Value Data.

Bring up the menu Administrative Tools
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Double click on StartMenuAdminTools and give the value 1 in Value Data.

Minimized Icons Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Double click on Start_LargeMFUIcons and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Eliminating Username On the Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ curre ntVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Select Edit> New> DWORD Value and name NoUserNameInStartMenu.
Double click NoUserNameInStartMenu and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Prevent Start Menu Changes
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoChangeStartMenu.
Double click NoChangeStartMenu and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Hide the My Recent Documents
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Double click on Start_ShowRecentDocs and insert value 0 in Value Data.

Change the Default Name of Important On Desktop Shortcut
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / CLSID
Double click on the default value in each subkey below:
My Network Places:
My Computer:
My Documents:
Recycle Bin:
Default IE Icon:
enter unique names instead of the default name.

Hiding Icons On Desktop
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced
Double click on HideIcons and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Clean All Icons On Desktop
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDesktop.
Double click on NoDesktop and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Desktop Create More Stable
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer
Create a new DWORD Value and give name DesktopProcess.
Double click DesktopProcess and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Deleting Program List In the Run menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / RunMRU
In the right window, you'll see a row of the software (as indicated by the alphabet a, b, c, d, and so on).
To remove it, simply by selecting one (or all) the name of an existing program and press the Del key.
If a confirmation window pops up for data deletion, tap Yes.
READ MORE - Windows Xp registry tips part 1

Unique way to avoid viruses

It may seem a stale and outdated, but hopefully still useful for you because
until now there are still asked "How to prevent viruses, blah ... blah ... blah ... "
Here did not use the help Antivirus, because I think as good as any Antivirus
we have that out of ourselves are not aware of the result will be the same ...
Okay ...
Prevent Computer Virus from FlashDisk to:
1. Turn off Autorunmu ...
Go to the Group Policy by way of the Start → Run → gpedit.msc
Now open the Administrative Templates in the Computer Configuration and User Configuration and then go
to the System folder. In both there is the System Folder Settings Turn Off Autoplay Click 2 times
and make the option Enable and Turn On Of Autoplay select All Drives.
2. If you want to do browsing on FlashDisk should use Windows Explorer and see
on the left pane. This is to prevent negligence User if there Virus
Folder icon shaped harness that will deceive the user. If the left do not be
appears ...
Examples Virus Tati, et al ...
3. Be careful and always look at the data data2-FlashDisk you, whether there are changes that
occurs, for example, there is a folder is missing or something ... Or there are other peculiarities ...
Prevent Viruses from Computer to FlashDisk:
Autorun.inf. Walah if ya name denger eneg definitely going really easy, because surely if the plug
FlashDisk to the cafe ya "stuff" is always there. Moreover Conficker with Folder "RECYCLER" his
ngebetein really ...
Okay I think neh (please correct if wrong) ...
If you want to fight FILE FOLDER use or if you want to fight the use FILE FOLDER.
Just do not fight FILE by FILE or FOLDER to FOLDER.
That is what seh?
1. To prevent FILE autorun.inf does not go into FlashDisk you must create a FOLDER
autorun.inf. If you want to practice just try to make a folder and create a autorun.inf in FlashDisk autorun.inf file, and then
copy to FlashDisk.
Still skeptical? Okay ... Still remember my article on how to create folders CON, AUX, NUL ...
Review a little ... Do not know why the names of the above can not be used to serve as the folder name.
Ask why?
But it turns out the folder with that name can you make by using the Command
Prompt ...
The trick ...
Open Command Promt and type
md \ \. \ \ C: \ con
Clay on the C drive then there will be a folder con ... Will you delete!
Similarly, folders and nul aux ...
For how to remove it you can use the command ...
rd \ \. \ \ C: \ con
The point with the folder mensisipkan con, aux and nul into the folder autorun.inf
then nothing will be happen to him ... Moreover, delete ... "For now loh, gak tau
the future:), because a lot of really great people hanging around on the Internet "
The trick is (eg FlashDisk you drive F:)
Open a command prompt and type the following command ...
md \ \. \ \ F: \ autorun.inf \ con (Enter)
md \ \. \ \ F: \ autorun.inf \ con \ nul (Enter)
md \ \. \ \ F: \ autorun.inf \ con nul \ aux (Enter)
Wakakakakakakak ... With laden dah autorun.inf folder created ...
Now to face the FOLDER RECYCLERnya Conficker you just use the file that you give
RECYCLER name without the extension ...
Why pake FILE? Because pake FOLDER with the same name files in RECYCLERnya
conficker will go to the folder that we created ... I forgot what his name ...
Example we created a folder called RECYCLER on FlashDisk RECYCLER folder, and also prepare a
it's up to you ...
Now copy the contents to the existing RECYCLER RECYCLER that there is no content ... (Ngertikan? Sory if complicated)
So the files inside will come in even though we use the tactics folder con, aux and nul.
2. Protection by using folders.
Ever pake SmadAV? Additions if you install it in any folder you will FlashDisk
with the name "Smad-Lock R R '.
And in it there is written
[Instructions for use folders Smad-Lock R R SmadAV]
- Smad-Lock Folder is a folder safest from virus infection.
- The virus is almost impossible to enter this folder.
- So, all the files you put in this folder VERY SECURE from viral infection.
- You should not rename this folder's name at all.
- This folder should only be filled with office files
manifold DOC, XLS, PPT, and all office files like.
- In this folder you can fill in the actual file that is not diversified office documents,
but it's best when you open the file is not directly in this folder,
You can move the file out of this folder first before opening it.
Wew ... Cool ... Because I find it difficult to make the image then I use the f
"ALT +2 +5 +5" ... Wekekekekek ...
So if you want to create a folder for example with the name "Nasty", use ALT +2 +5 +5 at the end and
beginning ...
(ALT +2 +5 +5) Nasty (ALT +2 +5 +5)
Not cool ... :)
Sorry neh brothers all if the words bad or no pleasure

sukses full from team xpost
READ MORE - Unique way to avoid viruses

How to safeguard your facebook

to 1:
You do not just have one email account to be able to access your facebook account, add a second email on facebook privacy of your account page.
to 2:
use different passwords to your mail account,, example: your email password Surti, facebook password you SUCCESS
kw 3:
make strict security question answer g disconnected but the answer can you remember, (think)
to 4:
if you like facebook in the cafe, each one of you go to the facebook login screen use the keyboard to fill in the email n password to be safe though somewhat ribet.caranya: click on START and select RUN and typing OSK will display the digital keyboard
to 5:
if facebookmu hit hack people, check with him kamu.jika mail account to hack and change your Facebook email address with the address lain.maka go to your mail account that bersangkutan.dan see if there are incoming messages from the contents facebook facebook account notification email conversion, if there are more, you can cancel by clicking the url pengcancelannya.jadi FB you can retaken.
to 6:
My experience in the FB account login using the hundreds of others they use numbers to passwords kebanyakannya.jadi birth date hati2 tablets, klo birth epidemic could replace, say 1990 so ga 1945.jadi people will be able to crack your FB directly.
to 7:
hide all data information about you from job to home school you, because Facebook has not fix the bugs

Heart - Heart
bnyk now scattered Link "Physing" who can steal your password FB,,

may be useful from the team xpost
READ MORE - How to safeguard your facebook

How cracking MD5 ciphered text

md5 (message digest 5) ituh is a one-way hash encryption which means it is plain text (original text) that have been encrypted can not be returned into its original shape.

md5 ituh as much as any contrived plaintextnya will definitely be a 32 character encrypted, so often contrived create md5 checksums or validity checks a file for only one character was changed, then the result md5nya will also change, despite being found kolisinya few years ago.

plaintext: malcoder
ciphertext: 8c6d8aed6dc647db4e98ded91049e998

plaintext: apapunlah
ciphertext: 15cdd0fd997178efc32991ea5a5008ea

plaintext: a
ciphertext: 0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661

It proves the above statement concerning the theory of one way hash. Then how? how come cracked? Khan can not decrypt ....

must know the first one cara2 password cracking bruteforce and dictionary ...
well then why can crack?
Well he'll ngelakuin same thing that is trying every combination to a bruteforce and dictionary methods ngelihat dictionary on ...

BUT .... difference before matching ama who want to crack, the machine used to encrypt the combination or word in the dictionary becomes md5 wordlistnya .. only then in the match ... for not yet found a match, then the cracking continues, and if already found a match, then he will see ..
"THAT THIS MD5 Plaintext WHICH HAVE SIH?" nah plaintextnya finally found ...

binun? hehehe ... yaudah me explain ...

for example:

which we want to crack md5: 4a8a08f09d37b73795649038408b5f33

trus pake the engine eg ways bruteforce, trus he makes the combination of all the possibilities that exist and the md5 encrypted to:

plaintext | ciphertext
0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661 {== not a suitable
== {b 92eb5ffee6ae2fec3ad71c777531578f not suitable
c 4a8a08f09d37b73795649038408b5f33 {== FIT

after which the match was found, it will look for a suitable ya have anyone?
and was plaintext is known to have a "c" means we want to crack the md5 which was the original text is "c"

CRACKED ... selesaiii task ..

mudah2an understandable ...

may be useful from the team xpost
READ MORE - How cracking MD5 ciphered text

Repair windows xp without reinstalling

stages according to the types of errors.

1. Fixing Installation (Repair Install)

If Windows XP is damaged (corrupted) where you do not have another operating system to boot,
You can do a repair installation (Repair Install) who works as the setting (setting)
the beginning.

- Make sure you have the key (key) Windows XP valid.
- The entire process will take approximately 1 / 2 or 1 hour, depending on the spec of your computer.
- If you are prompted for an administrator password, you should select the repair option (repair) the second,
not the first.

- Insert your Windows XP CD and boot from the CD.
- When it appeared the second repair option R = Repair, press R button
This will start the repair.
- Press F8 to agree to proceed "I Agree at the Licensing Agreement"
- Press R when the directory where you installed Windows XP. Usually C: \ WINDOWS
It will then check the C: drive and start copying files.
And automatically restart if necessary. Leave the CD in the drive.
- Next you will see a picture of "progress bar" that is part of the improvement,
he looks like a normal XP installation, including "Collecting Information, Dynamic Update,
Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, finalizing Installation ".
- When asked, click the Next button
- When asked to enter a key, enter key (key) your valid Windows XP.
- Normally you want to remain in the same Domain or Workgroup.
- The computer will restart.
- Then you will have the same screen as the activation of the system when the normal installation.
- Register if you want (usually not necessary).
- Done

Now you can log in with your existing account
2. NTOSKRNL Damaged or Missing (Missing or Corrupt)

If you find an error message that "NTOSKRNL not found" / NTOSKRNL not found, do:
- Insert the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD.
- At R = Repair option appears first, press the R key
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation you want to repair.
- Usually # 1
- Change to the CD ROM drive is located.
- Write: CD i386
- Write: expand ntkrnlmp.ex_ C: \ Windows \ System32 \ ntoskrnl.exe
- If Windows XP is installed elsewhere, change according to location.
- Remove the CD and type exit

3. HAL.DLL Damaged or Missing (Missing or Corrupt)

If you get an error regarding a missing or corrupt hal.dll file, it is possible
BOOT.INI file has the wrong configuration (misconfigured).

- Insert the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD.
- At R = Repair option appears first, press the R key
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation you want to repair.
- Usually # 1
- Type bootcfg / list
Displays the contents of / feedback on the current BOOT.INI file
- Type bootcfg / rebuild
Improve the configuration of the BOOT.INI file
- Remove the CD and type exit

4. Directory \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ CONFIG damaged or missing

If you get an error with the inscription:

"Windows Could not Start Because the following files is missing or corrupt

- Insert the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD.
- At R = Repair option appears first, press the R key
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation you want to repair.
- Usually # 1
- Enter the administrator password if necessary.
- Write: cd \ windows \ system32 \ config
- Next depending on the location of the damage:
- Write: ren ren system software software.rusak OR system.rusak
- Next again also depends on the location of the damage:
- Write: copy \ windows \ repair \ system
- Write: copy \ windows \ repair \ software
- Remove the CD and type exit

5. NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM not found (NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM Not Found)

If you find an error that NTLDR is not found when booting:

a. For the type of FAT
- Please you boot from your Win98 floppy and copy the files NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM
from the i386 directory to the drive stem / root (root) C: \

b. For the type of NTFS partition
- Insert the Windows XP CD and booting from the CD.
- At R = Repair option appears first, press the R key
- Press the number corresponding to the location of the Windows installation you want to repair.
- Usually # 1
- Enter the administrator password if necessary.
- Enter the following command, where X: is the address of the CD ROM drive (Sesuaikan!).
- Write: COPY X: \ i386 \ NTLDR C \:
- Write: COPY X: \ i386 \ NTDETECT.COM C: \
- Remove the CD and type exit

may be useful from the team xpost
READ MORE - Repair windows xp without reinstalling

RAM repair

RAM repair

If the RAM you have problems then the computer that we use can not be dioperasika. it makes us irritated. Steps we can take is to go where the service (for those who do not know the computer). Here are tips for repairing a damaged RAM, among others:

1. Clean the memory with ... the way the pins memory scrubbing with a cloth with cleaning purposes,
2. Use Tiner little so more clean from dust, and friction with the cloth will also be fishing the ions at a simulated memory pin to the conductor is more active. or,
3. Use a pencil eraser to clean the pin of memory, using the eraser, the more memory the security alert.
4. Navigate to the Ohm Avometer scale (scale to measure barriers), free to be in the position of 1K, 10K, 100K ...
5. Take the needle negative (-) Avometer (black cable) then put on a pin / leg memory, and the needle positive (red wire) on the set of friction on the legs of the IC / chipset memory, when memory has 8 pieces of IC such as the needle friction (+) to the legs of 8 IC.

Done .... Please try to plug the memory in their slots on the mainboard ....

Actually, this is a secret computer technician, .. if everyone knows, ntar computer repair shop on the lid.

but kagak's okay, I intent to share knowledge ^ _ ^

Hopefully useful ...

good luck from the team xpost
READ MORE - RAM repair

Editing registry

Some tips and registry below only applies for Windows XP.

Before fiddling with the Registry, it's good backup first.

1. Click the Start button> Run.

2. Type regedit and press Enter after being in the Run window.

3. In Registry Editor, choose File menu> Export....

4. After the Export Registry File appears, enter the file name into the File Name, for example, registry backup and so on.

5. press the Save button.

To enable this open Windows Explorer and then select the menu View> Explorer Bar> Tip of the Day.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Tips

In the right window will be seen a row of tips stored in the value 0-49.

Two things you can do is replace that with a tip-tip double-click each value with the desired text.

The second is to add new tips starting with the sequence after the value 49 (eg 50 ff.). Select Edit> New> String Value and name the form of numbers that continue the last digit on the tip (eg 50 ff.).

Double click the new value and enter the desired text in the Value Data.

Hiding Advanced Settings In Windows Explorer Folder Options

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer

Under key Explorer will find a subkey named Advanced.

Right-click and select Rename. Change the name to be Advancedx Advanced.

Cheating Hearts Playing Game Code

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Applets

Click the Edit menu> New> Key and name the Hearts.

Click the Edit menu> New> String Value and name ZB and fill in the numbers 42 in the Value Data.

Open Hearts in the Start Menu> All Programs> Games.

After entering the name of the player, press the following button combination:

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 and all the cards will open.

Cleaning the Registry Trash




Select one subkey that is the name of the software you want to delete, then press the Del key.

Trash Clean Uninstall

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Uninstall

Delete the subkey that has the same name as the software has been uninstalled.

Deleting Unwanted Programs List From Add / Remove Programs

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \

CurrentVersion \ Uninstall

Delete the subkey that contains the unwanted program by pressing the Del key.

Running Programs At Startup

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Run

Select Edit menu> New> String Value with the name of Winamp for example.

Double click on the value and enter the path where the program is installed (C: \ Program Files \ Winamp \ Winamp.exe).

Removing Startup Items in MSCONFIG

Click Start> Run> type msconfig, then click on the Startup tab, remove the check mark on the program you want removed from the startup list.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

Delete the subkey that contains the programs that are not desired by pressing the Del key.

Speeding up Windows XP Shutdown Process

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control

Double click WaitToKillServiceTimeout and change the value to lower than 2000.

Changing the AM and PM Become a Morning And Evening

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / International

Double click and change the text of s1159 with the MORNING AM.

s2359 double click and change the text of PM with AFTERNOON.

Disabling Autorun Function

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Double-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun, and insert number 95 in the Value Data.

Turning off Automatically Program Not Responding

HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click AutoEndTasks and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Bring up My Computer The Hidden Option

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet Settings/Zones/0

Double click Flags then change to Decimal and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Disabling Function New Window In Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoOpeninNewWnd.

Double click NoOpeninNewWnd and insert 1 in Value Data.

Changing the Internet Explorer Toolbar Background

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Toolbar

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name BackBitmap.

Double click BackBitmap and fill with the path where Gambaro bitmap (. Bmp) which will be toolbar background are in the Value Data.

For example: C: \ WINDOWS \ Wallpaper.bmp

Changing the Internet Explorer Version

To find out which version of Internet Explorer owned: Help> About Internet Explorer on the Internet Explorer browser.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer

Double click Version and enter the desired number in the Value Data.

Check for Internet Explorer productId

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Registration

Look at key ProductID ProductID, the value will be recorded how ProductID Internet Explorer is used.

Full Screen Mode in Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main

Double-click fullscreen and enter the text Yes in Value Data.

Changing Internet Explorer Title

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name it Window Title.

Double-click the Window Title and enter the desired text in the Value Data.

Clean URLs List In Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / TypedURLs

Remove value url1, url2 and so on by pressing the Del button.

Hiding Buttons Go On Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name ShowGoButton.

Double click ShowGoButton and insert value 0 in Value Data.

Renaming the Internet Explorer icon

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ curre

ntVersion \ Explorer \ CLSID \ {871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}

Double click on the value (Default) in addition to the right, enter the desired text in the Value Data.

Adding a Domain. Gov. In Search Website

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main / UrlTemplate

Select Edit> New> String Value and name the number that is a continuation of the numbers that already exist.

Double click on the value and type% in Value Data.

Tweaking Memory In Windows XP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Management

Double click on DisablePagingExecutive and insert value 1 in Value Data.

If enabled, Windows will not make the paging file to your hard disk. Operating systems and programs become more responsive. Recommended for computers that have more than 128MB of memory.

Double click on LargeSystemCache and insert value 1 in Value Data.

When activated, the system will allocate the entire memory (except 4 MB for disk caching) for file caching. The computer will do the XP kernel caching in memory so that Windows XP can run faster.

Unload. Etc. To Accelerate Access Memory

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer

Select Edit menu> New> Key and give name AlwaysUnloadDLL.

In the Default Value option enter the number 1.

Removing Pagefile When Shut Down

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro l \ Session Manager \ Memory Management

Double click ClearPageFileAtShutdown and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Moving the Pagefile

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / SessionManager / Memory Management

Double-click PagingFiles then replace the path to a new location

desired. For example: D: \ pagefile.sys 1024 1024

Restoring Function Search Into Old Display

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / CabinetState

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name UseSearchAsst.

Double click UseSearchAsst and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Hide the Device Manager

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies

Select Edit menu> New> Key and name it System.

In the System subkey create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDevMgrPage.

Double click NoDevMgrPage and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Hiding the Control Panel from the Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Find the value named Start_ShowControlPanel and double-click on the section.

Enter the value 0 in Value Data.

Hide menu My Pictures From the Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on Start_ShowMyPics and insert value 0 in the Value Data.

Bring up the menu Administrative Tools

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on StartMenuAdminTools and give the value 1 in Value Data.

Minimized Icons Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on Start_LargeMFUIcons and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Eliminating Username On the Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

Select Edit> New> DWORD Value and name NoUserNameInStartMenu.

Double click NoUserNameInStartMenu and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Prevent Start Menu Changes

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoChangeStartMenu.

Double click NoChangeStartMenu and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Hide the My Recent Documents

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on Start_ShowRecentDocs and insert value 0 in Value Data.

Change the Default Name of Important On Desktop Shortcut

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / CLSID

Double click on the default value in each subkey below:

My Network Places:


My Computer:


My Documents:


Recycle Bin:


Default IE Icon:


enter unique names instead of the default name.

Hiding Icons On Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on HideIcons and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Clean All Icons On Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDesktop.

Double click on NoDesktop and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Desktop Create More Stable

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name DesktopProcess.

Double click DesktopProcess and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Deleting Program List In the Run menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / RunMRU

In the right window, you'll see a row of the software (as indicated by the alphabet a, b, c, d, and so on).

To remove it, simply by selecting one (or all) the name of an existing program and press the Del key.

If a confirmation window pops up for data deletion, tap Yes.

Cleaning Recent Docs

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoRecentDocsHistory.

Double click on NoRecentDocsHistory and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Tips On Eliminating Info Folders Icons On Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on FolderContentsInfoTip with the number 0.

Lock the Taskbar

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on TaskBarSizeMove and insert value 0 in Value Data.

Deletes Past Items Icons On Taskbar

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ TrayNotify Remove IconStreams and PastIconsStream, then open the Task

Manager, on the Processes tab right-click on explorer.exe and select End Process.

Click the menu File> New Task (Run) and type explorer and press OK again.

Hiding the System Tray

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

If the Explorer key not exist create a DWORD Value and give name NoTrayItemsDisplay bare.

Double click NoTrayItemsDisplay and insert value 1 in Value Data.

To restore System Tray insert value 0 in Value Data.

Disabling Right-click the Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoViewContextMenu.

Double click on NoViewContextMenu and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Changing Time Delay When Opening Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click on the MenuShowDelay and change the number of milliseconds that the original 400 to another number. The smaller the faster.

Set the Size of Icons on the Desktop and Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop / WindowMetrics

Double click on the Shell Icon Size and change the number 32 to another number, say 10.

Color Changing Windows

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Colors

Double-click the window and enter the RGB color combinations (use

Adobe PhotoShop to find the appropriate color combination).

Changing Text Color in Windows

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Colors

Double click and enter WindowText RGB color combinations.

Eliminate Screen Saver Tab

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDispScrSavPage.

Double click NoDispScrSavPage and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Changing the Screen Saver Through the Registry

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click SCRNSAVE.EXE then enter the path where the file desired Screen Saver. Example: C: \ WINDOWS \ ScreenSaver.scr

Disabling Default Screen Saver

HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click ScreenSaveActive and insert value 0 in Value Data.

To return to insert value 1 in Value Data.

Eliminating the Signs Child Icon Shortcut Arrows On



Change the name IsShortcut be IsShortcuts.

Change Style Wallpaper

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop Double click on WallpaperStyle and insert the following in the Value Data:

1> Center

2> Stretch

3> Tile

Disable the Low Disk Space Warning

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies \ Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoLowDiskSpaceChecks.

Double click NoLowDiskSpaceChecks and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Disabling Menu Properties My Computer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoPropertiesMyComputer.

Double click NoPropertiesMyComputer and insert value 1 in Value Data.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoPropertiesMyComputer.

Double click NoPropertiesMyComputer and insert value 1 in Value Data.

If the Explorer key does not exist, create a new menu by clicking Edit> New> Key and name it Explorer.

Sizing CoolSwitch

(Try Press Alt + Tab, it is called with CoolSwitch)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop

Click CoolSwitchColumns and set how long CoolSwitch

This will be displayed by entering the desired number in the Value Data.

Then click CoolSwitchRows and do similar things.

Disabling Function CoolSwitch

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click on CoolSwitch and enter the number 0.

Disabling Animation In Windows XP

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop / WindowMetrics

Double click on MinAnimate and enter the numbers 1 to disable, and 0 to reactivate it.

Changing Being Left On Right Mouse Button

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Mouse

Double click on SwapMouseButtons and give the value 1 in Value Data.

Changing the Line In Roll Scroll Mouse

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click WheelScrollLines enter the desired number (in accordance with the lines that want rolled) in Value Data.

Hiding the System Properties Control Panel

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / don 't load

Make a new String Value and name sysdm.cpl.

Double click Yes sysdm.cpl and insert input in the Value Data.

Disabling Display Properties

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies

On the Policies subkey, create a new key with the CARAT Edit> New> Key and name it System.

Later in the System subkey, create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDispCPL.

Double click NoDispCPL and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Speed ​​Adjusting Keyboard Repeat Rate

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Keyboard

Double click KeyboardSpeed ​​and enter the desired value. The higher the number, the sooner Repeat Rate it.

Text Striped Down In Notepad

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Notepad

Double click lfUnderline and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Word Wrap in Notepad mode

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Notepad

Double click fWrap and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Status Bar in Notepad

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Notepad

Double-click the StatusBar and insert value 1 in Value Data.

DVDs In Windows Media Player

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / MediaPlayer / Player / Settings

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name DVDUI.

Double click and enter text DVDUI Yes in Value Data.

Adding Identity of Windows Media Player

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Windows

Click Edit> New> Key and give name WindowsMediaPlayer.

Click Edit> New> String Value and name titlebar.

Double-click the titlebar and enter the desired text in the Value Data.

Change the Stop Button Play Button On Being a Windows Media Player

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / MediaPlayer / Objects / StopButton

Double click and enter text onclick () in Value Data.

Choosing the Default Audio CD Player

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / AudioCD / Shell / Play / Command

Double click (Default) and enter the path of your software

want as the default audio CD player.

For example: C: \ Program Files \ Windows Media Player \ wmplayer.exe

Restoring Access to CD-ROM

After uninstalling a program CD burner, CD-ROM sometimes can no longer be accessed, the solution:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro

l \ Class \ {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

Delete the subkey LowerFilters and UpperFilters by pressing the Del button.

To minimize the size of the Windows Explorer Thumbnail

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer

Select Edit menu> New> Binary Value and name ThumbnailSize.

Double click ThumbnailSize and insert number 20 in the Value Data.

Create Shortcut Personal Menu In Windows Explorer


Select Edit> New> Key and name the Winamp as an example.

Double-click option (Default) on the right side and enter the registry editor text Winamp.

Click the subkey Winamp and select Edit menu> New> Key and name it Command.

Double-click option (Default) and enter the path C: \ Program

Files \ Winamp \ Winamp.exe in Value Data.

Through Encryption Context Menu

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Create a new DWORD Value and give name EncryptionContextMenu.

Double click EncryptionContextMenu and insert value 1 in Value Data.

Changing the Icon On Drives

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer

If not, select Edit> New> Key and name in accordance with the desired drive [for example: C to C: drive]

On the value, create a new Key again and name Default Icon.

Double-click option (Default) and enter the path where the icons are located (eg: D: \ Documents \ C Drive Icon.ico)

Hiding Drive

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Select Edit> New> DWORD Value and name NoDrives.

Double click NoDrives and specify the drive where you want to be removed in the Value Data.

Example: if you want to remove drive E:, enter the number 16 in the Value Data.

Combination of numbers in the Value Data is as follows:

A:> 1

B:> 2

C:> 4

D:> 8

E:> 16

F:> 32

G:> 64

H:> 128

I:> 256

A:> 512

K:> 1024

L:> 2048

M:> 4096

All:> 67108863

good luck from the team xpost
READ MORE - Editing registry

Measure the real speed of the modem owned by us

measure the speed of the transaction data network from the pc in fact we do not need susah2. because the windows have been providing this facility. task manager is that we actually need, not a flash site speedtest etc kayaks. if curious, try to connect to the network either pake dial up, broadband, and LAN. open task manager & navigate to the tab networkin ... g. nah, by default, it contains only networking connection name, network utilization, network speed & status. we may wonder, what could accurately measure the speed bener2 from here? yes, with little regulation, we can see directly what is being done our modem & pc us.

The graph will show the transaction history data with external network our pc. try set (example), view history adapters. there are three options: red, yellow & green. red = data is sent on the modem. yellow = data in the receive modem. red + green = yellow. The next reading of the table below the graph. try set (example), view - select coloumn. select only the check link speed, bytes per interval send & receive bytes per interval. update speed set at default. therefore it is a second update. can be said of bytes per second speed. when it's finished, let's try to calculate how the speed of our real-owned network. chart shows what percentage of clay. how tough its link speed. percent of the graph multiplied by the link speed that is what we are familiar with the real speed modem. want to know the speed of send & receive (upload & download) in KB / s? easy, just read the column per interval of bytes send & receive bytes per interval only.

nah, to know the networking tab in task manager, try to learn kolom2 in task manager. Disable all. to determine the combined speed of up & down in the form of graphs, charts the green switch.

the final word, what is our connection to the real speed up & down her? liatlah try the task manager. That's your real speed. me.mengukur trust transaction speed data network from the pc in fact we do not need susah2. because the windows have been providing this facility. task manager is that we actually need, not a flash site speedtest etc kayaks.

if curious, try to connect to the network either pake dial up, broadband, and LAN. open task manager & navigate to the networking tab. nah, by default, it contains only networking connection name, network utilization, network speed & status. we may wonder, what could accurately measure the speed bener2 from here? yes, with little regulation, we can see directly what is being done our modem & pc us. chart will show the transaction history data with external network our pc.

when it's finished, let's try to calculate how the speed of our real-owned network. chart shows what percentage of clay. how tough its link speed. percent of the graph multiplied by the link speed that is what we are familiar with the real speed modem. want to know the speed of send & receive (upload & download) in KB / s? easy, just read the column per interval of bytes send & receive bytes per interval only. nah, to know the networking tab in task manager, try to learn kolom2 in task manager. Disable all. to determine the combined speed of up & down in the form of graphs, charts the green switch. the final word, what is our connection to the real speed up & down her? liatlah try the task manager. That's your real speed. trust me.

good luck from the team xpost
READ MORE - Measure the real speed of the modem owned by us

May I installed in one computer over an antivirus

If we as users who serves as "important people", ie people who always call other people because a lot of things coming from us, mainly because as a store important files, such as an office employee ... not a member of the board .... or as a student / students who have the files that are useful for learning tasks kelanc ... Aran / college ... the preservation and maintenance of files from loss and should be pursued as possible .... let's not grumpy because of files that should be printed or submitted to the boss / leader / lecturer lost erased or damaged because of the "curse Hacker" through the spell of virus is ....

In addition to mandatory frequently present on the internet in order to update the Antivirus, we must also always keep an eye on the health condition of the computer system on a PC / Laptop us, lest we corrupt the file's because "vilified as a terrorist " by AV we reply have long entrenched in our hard drive ... as often happens in Avira (especially for Avira which expired / out of date alias rarely updated).

It often happens, to a certain virus is not detected by antivirus pride we ... but as soon as we stick inserted into a PC / Laptop others reportedly mmengandung virus ... Usually when this happens "I" must be embarrassed and "you know?! How come?" then assume that we are not a good AV and switch to AV as yours friends ....

If we "love" to get rid of AV long so trust us even though it "does not sejagoan" AV's been our friend, then there is no harm in our "collection" only AV's on my hard drive. What is important at the time he was active not crash / clash with other AV activity that can lead to hanging "in my life" power on button is pressed or AV let us regards as "an intruder / intruders" or malware or whatever who is considered to be virus ... who subsequently killed / quarantine / diremove by AV stronger ...

So that we can collect a lot of AV with SAFE, then one way is ... AV's enable it 1-2 from the Start Up (from the computer / laptop is turned on> and if we insert the flash FD have people turned out by an active AV was cleared .. and we still do not believe / the utmost liver, then the AV is not enabled automatic reply that we are enabled to scan the FD today ... but before we disable the AV is active ... this way we are not wasteful of RAM used by the AV that is not necessarily a virus ... .

good luck from the team xpost
READ MORE - May I installed in one computer over an antivirus

How it Works Computer Program

Understand How Computers Work Program

Note this is just a picture for younger siblings who still lay (sorry) about how a computer program that composed .... Uncle and aunt for a Programmer or Systems Analyst ... heheheh lol please do not pout or ... Excuse me, yaaaa

I. Comprehension

Computer application programs (computer program) a. .. dalah set of command line arranged in such a way in order to perform certain processes according to the goals and wishes of the programmer (compiler program).

Language courses: There are low-level programming languages ​​including machine language, who often symbolized by a number binaire / binary or 01101000 10 101 ... and high-level languages, the languages ​​are similar to human language. For example: Pascal, VBASIC, etc ... which are now so many variations and types of language programs.

To make it easier to understand how a computer program that takes place, we can suppose that this way:

1. You go to a specific recipe how to bake.
2. You do every hint of that recipe.
3. If you are true and correct in following the instructions, then:
1. It will produce a cake as guide it.
2. If you have melakukakannya as directed, but the cake was not in accordance with the "promised" by the recipe, then maybe it's the wrong prescription.

In conclusion:

1. You are the "hardware" that make the process for the recipe directions / program
2. If the hardware is in good condition, whether or not the hardware successfully perform its function depends on both the very least a series of commands (programs / software) that guide it ...

Therefore all, if computers are not working properly, ie producing something that is not desired, then the possibility is interference with the device hardware, electronic components such as burns, broken, low-voltage electrical flow, or interference with the software, for example due to virus attacks or other conditions.

Parable II.

Please answer the following questions:

"The pace of work (things) What to do if you want to have a" full stomach "? ---

Please answer! --- If the answer is "eat", then you do not understand the "work step" make "full stomach" it.

As for how to make a "full stomach" of course, many ways ... And such was also the way people make an application program (software). Will get a variety of programs similar applications ... Antivirus software is just an example .. How many? But the same goal, right?

How to make a full stomach in general can be done in two ways:

1. Buy fast food and eat it = buy software application and then use it.
2. Make and cook your own and eat them = make your own application software.

In fact, not all food can be our own making ... included in the procurement of paddy or rice ... Similarly, the application program or the software earlier.

There are also steps in order to "full stomach" of them are as follows:

1. Serve food, complete with a spoon and drinking water
2. Take a spoon.
3. Dipper food from the plate.
4. Enter / suapkan into the mouth.
5. Chew.
6. If the food in the mouth was soft, the food is swallowed.
7. If the food in the mouth is swallowed, then do it again the way 3 above.
8. If necessary wetting the mouth, then take the water on the glass and drink.
9. If not satisfied, then work out how to 3 above.
10. If the food runs out or if a full stomach, then STOP.
11. Proceed to step 3 above.

From the examples of "program on a full stomach" that we can note that:

1. There is something changed (variable), namely food and water.
2. There is a treatment / work or function command (Command statements).
3. There is a conditional command, namely "if" and "then" (IF ... THEN ....).

Now will we take the example of "logic" of how Google search for files from the "warehouse" by using the BASIC language (language courses are considered the most easy to understand humans, he said ...)

(Remember, this is a logic of matching file names)

(1) Brake "to find the same word with the input"

(2) Dim FILENAME $ (1000)

(3) input "what the sentence will be sought"; A $

(4) X = len (A $)

(5) For check = 1 to X

(6) B $ = mid $ (A $, 1, check)

(7) IF B $ = "" then goto 200

(8) C $ = C $ + B $

(9) 200 Next

(10) For READ = 1 TO 1000

(11) $ FILENAME Read (READ)

(12) If FILENAME $ (READ) = C $ then print FILENAME $ (READ)

(13) Next READ

(14) DATA "xxx", "xasdd", "dnsahh" ... and so on as many as 1000 data

Description intention command:

(1) make a statement the program functions

(2) book a place in memory for 1000 data

(3) acceptance of a character from the keyboard

(4) calculate the length of sentences typed

(5) make the process constraint repetition / looping

(6) takes a character from A $ start position to "check"; value starting from 1 to check the length of that sentence as sentence length = 10 letters, then the maximum value "check" = 10. Thus the repetition of making the letter to be checked is 10 times.

(7) if the contents of B $ in the form of a space only, just skip and go directly to the number 200

(8) letter from B $ is collected and coupled to the variable C $

(9) continue repeating the process

(10) repetition of the message read as much as 1000 times / as much data

(11) do the reading file names for identification

(12) If the name is the same, then the displayed name on the screen

(13) continue to finish reading the file name

Hopefully you can understand how computer programs work and feel "weird" or "amazed" by the "sophisticated" computer ... heheheheh

good luck from the team xpost
READ MORE - How it Works Computer Program