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Tips for flasdisk can copy files bigger than 4 GB

You feel confused, why your flash is not in the copy files larger than 4 GB, but let's say the capacity of your flash is larger in size 8 GB. Corrupt? no, Error? not, in fact the flash has a FAT32 file system which does have a maximum capacity of 4 GB in 1 x transfer files. So the steps that occur to you today is to your zip or iso file and divide it into a file size of each below 4 GB? Surveys show .. wrong!

There are more practical steps, very practical, that is changing the format of your flash file system to NTFS.

You might want to immediately rush to format your flash and change before reading the steps below. But koq no choice in the selection of NTFS file system I? So read first coi, 2 practical steps below ...

Step 1 - Change Policies Flash Disk

First. Connect the USB Flash Into PC

Right click, select Properties in My Computer

Select the Hardware Tab -> Device Manager

Select Disk Drives, click for dropdown options, you will find a brand your flash.

Right click on the Flash Disk, Select Properties -> Policies Tab, Select the option to-2, Optimize For Performance

Step 2 - Change your flash File System Type

Policies After changing your Flash Disk, flash format your flash and change the format from FAT to NTFS.

If you do not understand how to format flasdisk * Sigh *, here's how to format the flash

Open My Computer, find your flash drive, right click, find the format option.

If you followed step 1, it will exit option in the choice of NTFS File System you, Fox to NTFS, quick format check, DONE.


* Size your flash is certainly must be larger than 4 GB, to fit the file size 4 GB, this is not how to enlarge the capacity of flash.

* If this does not work, then your flash does not support the NTFS format.

* Make flash that I use is Kingstone

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