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How to change photos into cartoons

If you ever walk into a tourist spot in Bali for example, maybe you've seen an artist was painting in a way you profesional.Pastinya kelihaiannya amazed at the speed and painting, plus imagination poured into gambar.Tetapi "What if we do not have the Background as a hug ... is? ".

To make a photo into cartoon like painted, you can air-fights with artists tersebut.Tentunya great tools we rely on here is Adobe Photoshop.

As a teaching tool this time we will give 1 piece of the picture as a reference.

Open the photo that we had prepared earlier into Photoshop by selecting File> Open.Klik the CTRL + J to duplicate Layer.Beri create a new layer name with the name "sketch." Karna we will begin to edit the sketches first.

Click 2x on the background layer> OK, Rename the background layer into a color.

# Select the menu Filter> Blur> Smart Blur.Tentukan its parameters in accordance with:

Radius of 10.

Threshold is 35.

With High Quality.

Mode under normal circumstances.

Radius and threshold parameters can match you with the desire anda.Lakukanlah experiment with the numbers that you think fits ..

Then click OK to continue.

The next step menu select Filter> Sharpen> Sharpen Edges to sharpen the angle-sudt image.

Followed by selecting the menu Filter> Other> High Pass.

In the High Pass window to do a radius of 2 pixel settings, you will see the screen turn into gray. Click the OK button to continue.

Select the menu image> adjusments> thresold.

Define the parameter Threshold Level of 128. If you want memodifnya please, do not hesitate to try.

The result you will see the picture had been transformed into black and white sketches. Click the OK button to melanjutnya to the next step.

Click the Magic Wand Tooll menu, specify the tolerance for 20.Lalu click any area that is white, then some sections will be selected.

Select the menu Select> Similar to expand the selection area.
# Then press the delete button to remove the area that terseleksi.Tekan combination CTRL + D, and the selection area will be lost, displaying images that have similar truck kartun.Sekarang images we will switch to the second layer, the layer COLOR under the sketch layer. Click the Color layer, select Filter> Blur> Smart Blur.Lalu make the settings as follows:

Radius 10. Threshold is 35. With High Quality. And Mode to Normal.
Do not forget to click OK.Sekarang you try to compare images that have not been edited and are already in the edit.

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