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know svchost. exe and the function

recently a lot of virus that assault windows user. because almost servisan cpu team Xpost handle a large part because virus that cause windows soes error. and majority virus assault it at file system windows that named svchost. exe. here's criticism Xpost this know svchost. exe and the function.

initially, microsoft uses file. exe (executable) for service that walk at windows. because felted less efficient, microsoft then do renovation with change service a while ago from use files . EXE be file. DLL (dynamic link library).

dynamic link library (. dll) be file that can be called from file executable (. exe) also from file. etc other. this matter be felted more beneficial because character usually usable by several applications at the (time) of concurrent and only need one copy at memory or menyk. programmer can regulate so that service found on DLL be held to memory only when be need. when not be need so DLL be throwed away from memory.

thereby, so application whom you make can more save use memory. second profit, application is has modular. you can do application update whom you make without having to mengupdate file .EXE. thereby you enough enclose patches to your program without you must enclose entire applications. profit other size file .EXE be smaller because several program codes is put in file DLL.

if you see in taskmanager, you will watching many process by the name of svchost. exe

this matter is oftentimes is maked use by authors worm to do social engineer by give mother name worm by the name of same or resemble svchost. exe, on the chance of user will estimate that mother worm part from windows component. yes, oftentimes quandary user distinguishes svchost. exe property worm with svchost. exe property windows.

well. . from here you may be ask around. .
why sich kok there many process by the name of svchost. exe? ?

like this nich. . as within reason operating system, windows has a lot of service that must be called. such as those which at explain at beginning a while ago, each service of course must be run by a file executable. if entire service in such a way many that run by only a file executable, so sure risk will happen denominating failure service very tall.

to anticipate that thing, so service mengelompok-kelompokkan as according to the function. every file svchost. exe called to run group service different. for example svchost. exe first runs group service for audio, svchost. exe second run service firewalls, and other as it. because separations here's many found process by the name of svchost. exe

want tau service everything that walk at your windows and who run it? open windows command processor you. click [start] -> [Run] then type cmd

type command tasklist /svc then press enter. command will display process that is walking at your computer is alonging with service everything that called (if he run service certain). this command walks in windows xp and vista.

such a little explanation about svchost. exe, good useful.
successful greetings from we are team Xpost

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